In this Era of Quirks their is a system of hierarchy. A system where society sets people's paths on stone

A quirkless is trash, useless waste of space

A person with a villainous quirk will surely become a villain

A person with a weak quirk will become a law-abiding citizens who will worship the heroes

And the person with a powerful and flashy quirk will become a popular hero

Such is the sad, painful truth...

"My quirk isn't suited for this situation" Death arms said "Mine too, I'll let someone else handle this. Hold on kid for a little while" Kamui wood made an excuse "Oh~ My quirk requires me to have a space equivalent to two lanes to work freely" Mt.Lady said seductively

'I am sorry young man. Please hold on for a little longer. A hero will come and save you' Toshinori Yagi, more famously known as All Might thought to himself, guilt clouding His mind. He had run out of time. He could forcefully activate his quirk which would cost him some of his time but he couldn't why? Because surely the life of a 18 year old teenager is not important than the thousands of lives he could save

"Hahaha! I am invincible, unbeatable. With this quirk no one could beat me"
The villain grinned "Come on Kid! The sooner you stop resisting the sooner you pain will end"

Katsuki pried the sludge away from his face, earning him a breath of oxygen which he gratefully breathed in

"You fucker think you could beat me, What could you do with a useless quirk like yours" Katsuki enraged the villain further

The villain forced more sludge down the boy's throat, earning a choking sound in return

"Damn it! That kids gonna die" Kamui woods said, fake concern etched in his voice


he bystanders started whispering to each other of their concern towards the high schooler. They watched the scene as if it was a movie

Everyone already accepted that the boy was a lost cause. Toshinori was about to jump in until

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"Wait! Who's that! A boy no older than the one captured is approaching the villain"

He had a robe not accustomed to the people of Japan, indicating he was a foreigner or perhaps a traveler. His face was hooded and hidden from the rest of Japan

"Y-you! I am going to kill you!" the villain send an explosion to the boy.

The viewers breaths hitched, Thats what he gets for doing the job of a hero The thought a certain wood hero

The smoke from the explosion cleared to reveal the boy unharmed. Not even his robe was harmed

"10 years" the boy started. His monotone voice sending shivers down the villains spine "10 years later I come to my home town to find a piece of sewer terrorizing the city"

The boy lifted his head, the hood shadowing his face. A faint purple glow could only be seen by the sludge villain and his captive

They say when you stare at the abyss

The abyss stares back...

"Shinra... Tensei..."

The last thing the villain and Katsuki saw was....

His Ringed Eyes

Word Count: [1108]

Shinra Tensei - All Mighty Push

Hey! Welcome to the first chapter of Pain. I will be going the hero route as per popular demand.

If there is anything you wish to ask or suggest please do not hesitate to do so

I do not make the story, the readers do [not literally ofc]

I have so many things planned out

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