Battle Training

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~Battle Training~

"Good morning Class" Shouta's eye twitched. It was 9 in the morning and his new students were very energetic. Too energetic for his liking

"Shut up!" He yelled making all of them silent 'Peace' he thought

"You'll be doing a training exercise today. I along with someone else will be overseeing your training" a hand rose up. Shouta pointed at the person

"Sensei, who will be our other supervisor in this training?" Mina asked. Shouta sighed "its-" "I am here" a buff blonde man entered the room in a... Peculiar pose

"No way" "it's All Might!" "He really is teaching at U.A" "Isn't that his Silver Age costume" were some of the comments of the students upon seeing the number 1 hero of Japan

"Hahaha! It is I, All Might. And I will be your Combat Training Instructor!" He said. His voice brought a sense if safety to most of the 1-A students

"Combat Training? Kero" Tsuyu Asked. "This loud mouth here will be your Combat instructor for the duration of your Hero Course. And for our first Combat Training Exercise we have-" he was cut off by All Might "Battle Training!" He announced

"Battle" katsuki started glaring at Izuku. "Training" a bi coloured hair boy finished also glaring at Izuku

I will prove I am the strongest and that I don't need his power...

"Yes! But first" Shouta pressed a button which opened panels in the wall. The panels extended to display them holding Cases marked 1 - 20

"Grab your cases according to your seat number. Then go and change in the changing room. Males on the right and females on the left. Go and get ready in 10 minutes and meet us in ground beta and if you are late..." He said giving a glare to the class, his hair defying gravity and his eyes glowing red

"Yes Sir!" The class chorused and immediately ran out except Izuku, Yui, Katsuki and Shoto

"You all already look the part. Part of being a hero is to have a hero costume. It identifies you as a hero" all might addressed the class

Everyone looked and admired each other's costumes. Izuku and Yui had similar hero Costumes in that both wore black robes with red clouds on them. They wore grey sandals that reached their shin

All in all, they had a basic costume that worked in providing them resistances against most elements. But under the robes they had a bullet proof vest as well as first aid equipment

"Sir are we going to fight robots? Seeing as we are in a city like the one in the entrance exam?" Iida asked

"No we will be taking it a step further" Shouta said

"We will be doing Two V Two combat in a tight area!" all might exclaimed

"Sir isn't this too advance?" Momo Yaoyorozu asked "Yes but I believe experience is the best teacher!" He said. "You aren't the best teacher that's for sure" Shouta muttered under his breath

Pain (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora