explaing the party

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a few days later:
tommy has been driving up to school everyday so he could get some extra practice since he was driving us there. basically the plan was that we where going to have a bit of a party with you, tommy, tubbo, wilbur, niki, fundy, george, and a few others as well as some of the group from america!! even dream is going to be there and you still haven't even seen what dream looks like! and some group called the eboys that you had heard a lot about, you really like the one named Alex, maybe it was just because he was bi or something  but you felt a weird connection to him, like he was your cool uncle, you think that's funny and text it to tommy, it's just an excuse.
Alex is like my cool gay uncle
you really excited for this party aren't you??
yeah i can't wait it's gonna be so cool!
ive never even talk to most of the people though and that's a little scary
you'll be ok!!
i'll be there with you the whole time!!
thank you tommy ❤️
i've got to go tho ❤️
that's ok
bye bye

sorry it's so sort but i'm going to right a bonus chapter that has nothing to do with this story but i don't want to right a whole other story to fit it in

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