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Danny's pov

The four of us sat around my bed with a map while Tucker was explain how this could be possible. It was highly confusing but it sorta made sense.

"Okay so how are we going to stop this third dimension ghosts attacks?" Danielle asked

"I have no idea," I said honestly

"I have an idea," Tucker said "it may sound crazy but-"

"Tucker just say it,"

"Well first we're going to need to learn about their DNA. To see if they're like our ghosts. Then we'll need to find out how they're going from their dimension to ours. And then, after we find out the details we'll be able to stop them."

"Okay but how are we going to learn about their DNA?" Danielle asked

"Simple," I smiled "I'll go into their dimension and make friends with one of them. Then I can learn everything from them. It shouldn't be to hard,"

"Danny I love you but that's a horrible idea. We have no clue about these of these so called ghosts," Sam sighed

"She's right Danny,"

I groaned "if you guys don't let me go we're never going to find out what we need to know,"

"We'll keep that in the bag okay?" Tucker looked at me "anyone else got ideas?"


I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Everyone had gone home so I was alone with my thought.

If I could only see what their dimension was like. Then maybe I could figure out the source of our problems-

I rolled over on my side and sighed.

I could go and not tell them. And if I don't find anything I'll just say I never went...

The idea was dawning on me

I tossed and turned and could fall asleep. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Going ghost," I whispered so I didn't wake anyone up

I transformed before fazing through the wall. I was in search of finding one of their portals. And as if it were on command one opened up. A creature flew out of the portal and ran straight into me knocking us both out of the sky. We both landed with a thud.

I opened my eyes to see a girl about my age laying on top of me. She opened her eyes and when she looked up her eyes were as big as saucers.

"Oh, oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean to run into you,"

"Hey, no harm done," I laughed lightly

She took a good look at me and then stared and the logo on my suit.

"It can't be..." she whispered

"Excuse me?"

"Are... are you Danny Phantom? Er- I mean Danny Fenton... wait...ugh they're the same person idiot..." after a second the girl recollected herself "are you the Halfa?"

I sat there in shock, confusion, maybe even a little fear.

"Uh-I-uh... Yes... I'm the halfa," I stammered

"Good... we've been looking for you"

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