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Danny's pov

Mr. Lancer was talking about something when Jazz busted into the classroom. Since she was babysitting this worried Sam, Tucker, and I.

"Danny. Sam. I need you. Now,"

We looked at Mr. Lancer and it's seemed like he was maybe okay with us leaving. We didn't have a choice. We both got up and walked to the door as fast as we could. Jazz shut the door and looked at us.

"What's going on?" Sam asked worried

"It's Bella,"

"What about her?" I asked

"Well you see shes sorta going intangible and slipping away from me." Jazz said nervously. "That's why I'm giving her to you,"

Jazz brought her hand out and gave Bella to me before saying bye and running off.

I looked between Bella and Sam,"

"What are we supposed to do?!" I yell quietly

"I don't know! We can't just take a baby into the classroom,"

"Or can we?"

"Danny whatever you're thinking. No."

My hands went intangible and so did Bella. I put my hands behind my back and Sam walked behind me as we went in. The class looked at us but they didn't seem to notice that my hands were missing. We went to the back of the class and sat on the floor.

I pulled my knees up and laid Bella on them. Bella was a baby because Vlad messed up when making her.

"Please stay quiet," I whispered

Luckily for us Bella fell asleep so she wouldn't make any noise.

When the belle ran Sam and I stood up and walked out of the classroom but was stopped by Mr. Lancer. Who unluckily for us saw Bella because we didn't turn her intangible.

"Where did you get this baby?" He asked

"Umm," Sam and I said in unison

"We're babysitting first Jazz," Sam made something up

"Yeah, she had to go to the store and she couldn't leave her alone,"

"So she brought you the child while you were at school? Why didn't she leave the child with your parents?"

"No idea but we gotta go Mr. Lancer!" I said quickly before slipping out the door with Sam

We quickly walked down the hallway to our lockers to grab our stuff before walking home. Sam ended up coming to my house. I walked through the wall to make sure my parents wouldn't see us with Bella. The coast was clear so we went upstairs. Soon we saw my parents leave so we went down to the basement to take Bella back.

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