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Sam's pov

I woke up that morning with Danny still cuddled at my waist. His arms were wrapped around my waist as I was still in the same sitting position as last night. I didn't seem to be to tired so that was a plus. I brushed through Danny's hair with my fingers causing him to stir a little. He moved over a little bit so I took this opportunity to move and actually be able to lay down. I was still holding Danny when he woke up.

"Good morning sleepy head," I giggled lightly

"Sam's up before me? Is she happy in the morning? I think I'm sick," he laughed back "Good morning princess," he said laying his head back down and closing his eyes to go to sleep again

"No Danny it's time to get up,"

"Since when do you tell me when to get up,"

"Since you started waking me up,"

"Please," he whined "I don't wanna get up,"

"So you want to go back to sleep?" I asked

"No I just don't wanna get up," he laughed tiredly rolling over

"Why don't you wanna get up?" I asked

"Because I wanna lay here with you again," he rolled back over to face me "we never get much time to just ourselves. It's always school and ghosts and Tucker and this and that. It's never just us,"

He reached out his hands and made a grabby motion. I gave in and I laid down again. He pulled me closer to him and rested his forehead against mine.

"You know" he said almost in a whisper "I can get the kids out of the castle, and I can get everyone else out of the castle so we can be alone,"

"Does that mean we can finally have a movie night with no one interrupting. Cause last three times we tried watching a movie together someone had to ruin it."

"Yeah, if that's what you want we can do that," He smiled just as softly as his tone of voice

I smiled back

"and when do you want to have this movie night?" He asked

"Anytime you want it,"

"Then we're on for tonight," he smirked

"Danny we can't. What about the class?"

"Again, I can get them out of Pandora's palace. I can send them over to Phantom's castle so they can meet him. And then I'll give them rooms and when they all go to sleep we can watch our movie. It's as easy as that."

"Do you really want them that close to the castle? What if they find out?" I asked being uneasy

"Sam, it's fine." He reassured me

"Then we're on for tonight." I smiled

"Good. But you're not leaving yet. We still have like all night to lay here,"

"What?" I asked looking over to the clock. It read 3:11 am. "I thought it was like 6!"

"Nope. It's still really early so we should just lay here. Maybe get some sleep. Maybe get some cuddles or kisses," he smiled lightly

"Just because you threw in kisses I'll agree,"

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because you're a good kisser," I laughed

"You haven't kissed anyone other than me. How would you know?" He laughed lightly

"Uh let's see. I've kissed Dash at the Ember concert to break the spell that was on you. I kissed Gregor once or twice. Tucker once kissed me by mistake a long long time ago. Like freshman year,"

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