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Danny's pov

"Oh what a pleasure it is to see you great one," frostbite spoke as we came into view

I explained to him about what was happening and surprising he didn't even know. Strange. Frostbite knows everything about the ghost zone!

"Well thanks for your help! I'm going to see if Clockwork knows anything about this!" I called before getting into the Spector speeder and going to talk to Clockwork.


"Clockwork please!" I begged "help us! Tell us what's going on,"

"I promise you Danny I know nothing of this. If I did I would've told you." He sighed "you know I would've. I always break the rules for you Danny."

"So you know nothing of this?" Sam asked really puzzled

"That is correct,"

"Hm," Tucker pondered

"What is it Tuck?" I asked

"Now this might seem far fetched... but what if there's another ghost zone?"

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked

"Hear me out. What if there's like another ghost zone for other ghosts. Maybe ones that are a different type of ghost. Maybe they could be escaping their realm and into ours which is why they disintegrated when you beat them."

"Tucker you might be on to something," I said looking between the three of them

"Tucker, Danny you guys go home and start figuring this out. I'll get Dani and come back soon,"

"Dani?" I asked "why are you getting Dani?"

"Because she could help us,"

"No," I said

"What why? We need as many people who can help us as we can!"

"Absolutely not," I shook my head

"Why not?!" Sam seemed a little annoying about me saying no

"Because she's to young to be involved in this,"

"Danny you were 14 when you started all of this!"

"She's got a point dude," Tucker chimed in

"Fine. But only Dani. DJ is to young. I know he'll wanna come that's why I say that now,"

"I'll see you back home in 10?" She asked

"Yeah," I said placing a quick kiss on her forehead, then turned to Tucker "alright dude. Let's go figure this out,"

Don't Mess With The Ghost KidTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang