Belle had the ability to control plants. She was getting pretty good at it and her powers became more powerful every time she practiced. Belle had begun to believe that if Gaea ever did wake — Gods forbid — that she could somehow try and stop her. Gaea was the Earth. And what was on the Earth? Plants. Maybe if she used that trick of bending plants to her will with Sunflower just a little more, that could somehow drive Gaea back into her sleep.

However, something was telling Belle that even though she was one of the eight, she wouldn't be the one to destroy Gaea at all. This whole thing basically began with a certain trio who went on a quest to save Hera — Jason, Piper, and Leo. If it started with them, it needed to end with them.

Finally, after those three long days, the Argo II made port at the island of Mykonos. It was decided that Belle and Percy would go scout ashore. The afternoon was hot and windy, but the sun was shining brightly, which made the extremely blue water sparkle. Belle and Percy walked around the island while holding hands, just enjoying being together on the wonderful day. It was beautiful. Many plants curved around the white stucco buildings that had blue roofs, windows, and doors. Belle kept insisting to stop to look at the gardens.

Percy once plucked a red rose off of a bush (careful not to avoid the thorns) and tucked it behind Belle's ear. "Here. For you."

Belle narrowed her eyes at him. "You're trying to make me look like a Princess again, aren't you?"

"I mean, it's not like it's hard."

Her cheeks flushed red and she tugged on his hands. "Come on, let's keep going."

No monsters were on the island (thankfully), but there were some pelicans just walking around. Apparently they were the mascot of the town. Finally, after they walked around the entire island, the two of them were in higher spirits (even if Percy did stop to throw up a couple times.) They even found a Little Italy section of the town and decided to get gelato for the crew. Considering what was going to happen in just less than two days, Belle decided they deserved it.

The two made their way back to the ship semi-quickly so the gelato wouldn't melt. While Percy went to go get Leo (who was trying to fix the control console), Belle found the rest of her friends sitting outside on the deck together, seemingly having the same idea as the couple to try and enjoy the sunshine.

"Hey," Belle greeted, making them look over at her. "We got everyone some gelato."

"Please tell me—" Jason began.

She rolled her eyes playfully and handed him the cup. "Yes, Jason, I did get you vanilla. How could I forget?"

Leo and Percy rejoined them. They all sat out on the deck without worrying about a storm or a monster attack for the first time in days, eating their ice cream. Belle had managed to find Frank — since he was lactose intolerant — an orange sorbet at the gelato place so he had that instead of ice cream. She stared out at the pretty town of Mykonos in front of her.

"We saw these pelicans walking around town," Percy announced. "Like, just going through the shops, stopping at the bars."

Hazel frowned at that. "Monsters in disguise?"

Belle laughed slightly. "No, they're just pelicans. Apparently they're the town mascots. As for the gelato, Mykonos had a Little Italy section. That's why it's so good."

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄  ―  p. jackson ³  ✓Where stories live. Discover now