"Mini-Chapter; the end of Hannah Holmes part 2"

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The deaths that are the most haunting  are the deaths that could have been or the ones were someone dies long before their time. In one dimension, Hannah Grace Elizabeth Holmes died long before she ever dawned a mask and cape. Long before she got a good hold on her magic. Long before she met and changed the lives of a good portion of people that she befriended.  This is that life.

Six year old, Hannah Grace Elizabeth Holmes laid in her bed groaning as she tossed and turned one sunday evening . She was wearing the clothes she had worn on Friday and sweating buckets. She would've changed but she was just soooo tired no matter how much she slept and her chest was on fire (it felt as if someone was scooping her insides out) and her head was killing her. She just felt awful and she and her siblings and cousins just didn't know why. And to make matters worse, she just kept puking up everything she ate and drank. Including the medicine. It didn't help that the sun decided that it was best to shine bright all weekend and that it was unbearably loud in the house due to the fact that they had one dog, five cats, and fifteen kids running around.

Her dad was out of town at an electrician convention at the same time her five uncles and 1 aunt had work conventions that they had to go to. Meaning that her poor Maymay and her (lazy) mother had to watch her, her seven of her siblings, and eight of  cousins as well as six pets at once. All of which ranged from the ages of one to eight years old. And one of them was very sick. Hannah tossed and turned once again, irrated her predicament. She felt as if someone was beating around in her head with a hammer and she couldn't breathe through her nose, no matter how many times she blew it. And why was her throat so sore , and why did she keep going from boiling hot to icey cold every two seconds?! Hannah was getting antsy but she could hardly move let alone sit up without getting dizzy.

She tossed and turned, and tossed and turned trying and failing to fall back to sleep thanks to all the noise around her. Queenie was growling and barking at something-- probably one of the cats if the sound of multiple
hissing cats was anything to go by -- and the twins (Jacob and Alfred age 1) and the triplets (Hailey, Kailey,and Bailey age 2) were bawling/wailing about something--- Hannah didn't know what, but she hoped that they'd shut up soon)-- as Maymay and her mother (surprisingly) tried to calm them. The twins (Jessie and Sarah, age 8) were yelling at one another and throwing stuff if the thuds and clatters that followed each yell were anything to go by. One of them , Hannah didn't know which sense Jessie sounded like Sarah when he was mad, yelled "IT'S ON, BITCH!" And threw something heavy that hit it's target--"OWW!". "SARAH!" Hannah whimpered at her mother's exclamation-- why did everybody have to be so loud in this house?! "HE STARTED IT, AUNT LISA!"

"De'n, q'it it!" Hannah heard her four year old brother, Bumper, whine from the next room. What was Dean doing now?  "I'm just looking at it!" Dean's voice called out, as if he could read her thoughts. Dean was her five year old cousin and her bestfriend who played too much. "Gi'e me my book ba'k or I'mma tell mama!" Ahh, that would be it. Bumper was stingy when it came to his books-- and he absolutely hated it when people took his books away from him. "I'll give it back in a second, chill" oh that was such a Dean answer. "No! No chill! I w'nt it ba'k now! I t'was re'din' it!" Hannah snickered at how annoyed her little brother -- only to immediately regret it when she choked on her own snot and started coughing harshly. Ouch. Karma was indeed a bitch.

Thump. Thump. Click. Thump. Thump. Click. Thump. Thump. Click. Hannah groaned and rolled over 'sounds like Ian (age 7) and Nevan (age 4) are having a nerf war... Again' Thump. Thump. Click. Thump. Thump. Click. Thump-- CRASH!!! "OWW! AUNTIE LISA!" 'Sounds like Naveen fell. "IAN S'OT ME IN T'E EYE!" or not. Or maybe he fell because Ian shot him in the eye? Who knows. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" knowing you, Ian, it wasn't. You took the game of war too seriously. Again' "knowing you, dude, it probably wasn't. Let's go get you some ice for your eye, Nev" 'looks like Atticus has it covered'. "Thanks Atty" "no prob, Maggot" 'boys and their military nicknames. When had Atticus started using them?'

CRASH! THUD! 'Oh no, Alvin and Hunter (both age 7) are fighting, again'
BANG! THUD! CRASH! CLAAAAAANG! Clank. Clank. BAM! BAM! POW! WHAM! "Can't we all just get along?" Her naive, six year old cousin, Oliver asked. 'In this family? Not a chance, bud' Alvin and Hunter shared her sentiments "NO/NEVER!" CLASH! BANG ! CRASH! BAM! POW! WHAMM! CLANNNG! CLANK! THUD! BANG! "BOYS! CUT IT THE FUCK OUT, HANNAH'S TRYING TO SLEEP!" 'Is that Harper (age 17)? When did she get here? Shouldn't she be in Wolfwater creek at that orphanage she lives at? Not that I wouldn't be happy to see her, but I don't want her to get in trouble again' "HARPER!" Her mom reprimanded. "what, Auntie?! I was just trying to get them to shut up! Hannah needs rest or else she won't get better!" Harper said defensively. "You don't know that!"

Hannah could practically see Harper's  look of disbelief as she said "you wouldn't have called me if it wasn't bad. Plus you said it yourself, she's been this sick all summer, Auntie. She needs a doctor" All summer? That couldn't be right. Hannah was sure that she had only been sick a couple of days. She's sure she would remember being sick for that long. Harper must be mistaken. "Keep your voice down! We can't afford a doctor yet. That's why Steve's been working overtime!" Her mother hissed. Man, her head and throat hurt. Why was it so bright in here?  "Turn the sun off" Hannah mumbled, rolling over once again. The brightness hurt her eyes. "'Fraid, I can't do that, little one" Hannah groaned before rolling over to see who had spoken. It was a young, cool looking guy with wings -- pretty wings.

Hannah wasn't phased-- she'd seen people with fangs, tails, horns, and claws before, hell, she'd seen werewolves and Death himself before-- why would anyone think wings would phase her? She knew demons, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, changelings, and other creature-like people existed and thought it was stupid that they had to hide. When she was grown she was gonna befriend as many creature-like people as she could and make sure that they knew they didn't have to hide around her. She was gonna do that with anyone who was different-- no one should have to hide. Hannah just stared blankly at the winged man, which seemed to throw him off "who are you?" She croaked, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "I'm Gabriel and I'm here to take you to Death, he wants you to stay with him awhile "

Hannah was puzzled-- Death had never invited her to stay with him for longer than an hour before. Why did he want her to stay with him for awhile? And How long was "Awhile" anyway? Hannah winced as she heard yet another crash and briefly remembered how nice and quiet it was over at Death's as well how fun it was when he let her play with his nieces and nephews, and the ghosts. She would enjoy the quiet right about now and it would be fun to play with the other kids once she got better....
"Okay. Can I take little Hannah, my sword, my bookie, and blankie with me?" If she couldn't then she wasn't going anywhere.

Gabriel chuckled "sure kid, where are they?" After she pointed out where the sword and book were, Gabriel grabbed them and placed them in his bag before picking her , little Hannah, and Blankie up in his arms and teleporting to Death's place. Hannah didn't notice the fact that she didn't feel cold or hot anymore, and that she was no longer hurting. Nor did she notice the lifeless body that was curled up on the bed that looked exactly like her. That was her. She thought that she would only be gone for a couple of hours, maybe a day or two. She didn't know that she wasn't gonna go back home or that she would've had to go with Gabriel whether she wanted to or not. She didn't know that in a couple of hours Bumper and Atticus would come to check on her only to find her cold to the touch and unresponsive. She didn't know that all of her present siblings and cousins would see her body and attempt to wake her before getting an adult. She didn't know that she wouldn't see any of her other siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or dad for a very long time. She didn't know that she was never gonna go home. She hasn't noticed that time has past and that she hasn't gotten any older even though Anna and Aaron had. She hadn't and that was okay.

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