"Unconventional time travel final "

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As Hannah went about putting her kids to bed, she couldn't help but think about all she had learned about the future in her short time there. She and Haul were together and married with 2 pets and 7 kids and counting. She was a successful published author and Haul was an even more successful musician. They had a nice, big house and all of their friends were out there, living their best lives.

Anna was a lawyer and married to Howiee, who had become a bouncer at Aaron's nightclub. They also apparently had a pet skunk named Stunky and 3 kids. A 7 year old boy named Walter, a 10 year old named Amethyst, and a 5 year old named Joyce. And they were also very adamant that they weren't going to have anymore kids (which Hannah didn't completely by seeing how they couldn't keep their hands off eachother).

Aaron was running a club called 'the eclipse ' and was engaged to Gunner, who was a pediatrician

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Aaron was running a club called 'the eclipse ' and was engaged to Gunner, who was a pediatrician. Why they weren't married yet, Hannah didn't know seeing as they had 3 kids. 2 boys (12 & 5) named Brady and Simon, and a girl named Bethany, who was 3. They also had a pet fox named Bandit, which Hannah wasn't sure was legal but since when did any of them care about the law?

Peachy and her Boo, who's name Hannah didn't catch, had 2 kids-- a boy named Conan who was about 8 and a 5 year old named Layla who they loved very much

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Peachy and her Boo, who's name Hannah didn't catch, had 2 kids-- a boy named Conan who was about 8 and a 5 year old named Layla who they loved very much. And they were also the proud owners of a cute little kitten named Pepper. Oh, and Peachy had finally became a teacher like she had always wanted to. To a group of elementary schoolers... Hannah wondered briefly if she was insane, but had quickly shaken the idea. Peachy was the sanest one of them all, and that sure wasn't changing anytime soon.

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My friends are nutsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora