\\Chapter 8//

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Author's note: I think the picture on top is kind of a "spoiler"... Anyways, it has to be obvious. You'll see the point from this chapter on. Keep enjoying the story and thank u readers! 💕

[Normal POV]

You were finally back again in the Matsu's hideout. Your mind started to travel with many thoughts that it's turning you crazy. You were thinking of your "sweet" luck. Always ending up in a mess. Although in this occasion, you consider it a big mess. You are involved with a freaking mafia. The only good part is that you are trained and prepared when it comes with personal defense, martial arts and how to manipulate weapons.

Oh, and let's not discard the bombs. How much you love to play with them.

[Your POV]

-Seriously, how do I get involved in this madness?-I started to thought about a lot of things when we already arrive in the hideout.

-I wonder where is that tiny mind of yours...-and the grape psycho dares to scare me while he whispers those words into my ear. I gasped and take steps back but giving him this death stare and even so, it didn't scare him at all. He only reply to me with that nauseous smirk of his.

-You know? I wonder too...-I decide to play coy and confused him, which I succeed.

-What are you talking about?

-I wonder how small you are.-I respond calmly while touching my chin and staring at him like if I'm studying him. I can't believe the reaction he made. I was prepared with his other burst and activate his murderous vibe but, it was different this time. Ichimatsu only stared at me with wide eyes while turning red like a tomato.


"He brought it." I thought playful and start to give him this smile of "comfort" as if I hurt his feelings.

-Ichimatsu-niisan and (Y/N)-san! Let's go.-Totty interrupts us at least while the other matsus kept walking inside. As we both started to walk inside, Ichimatsu grabbed my arm.


-I'll remember that.

-Whatever.-I moved my arm with force so he'll let go.

As we managed to go inside the hideout, I felt an odd turn in the ambience. I'm watching people I never saw before and for a moment, a person just got infront of me.

A woman.

"What now? Is she a lesbian?" I thought immediately cuz' it makes me sick when someone gets in my way, especially when the person is staring at me.

-Oh, my apologies. You must be new.-finally she spoke. I was getting bothered.

-Yeah and probably you too.

-Nah. I've been here for a very long time.-she expresses flustered.

-For real? Then why I never saw you?-this woman gives me goosebumps for some reason and I just hope I never find out.

-Because I'm always out doing "special" missions.

-Special missions?-as I thought; she gives me goosebumps and it ain't good. I better watch my back with her.

-Now, if you excuse me. I have a business with my boyfriend.

-Boyfriend?-is not surprising after all. To be honest, she's pretty so, of course she'll already have someone. I wonder who could be.

-Pauline, Ichimatsu's waiting for you in his office.-a brunette girl, who I assumed it could be Totoko, called the woman I was talking too.

-Yeah, coming!

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now