\\Chapter 11//

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[Your POV]

My mind was full of questions; full of confusions. I ran as fast as I could and I only think of running in a bathroom. What can I do? I'm in their freaking hideout! Regardless, why do I cene bother with this? Why do I care if Osomatsu all this time haven't told me about this? Is been a long time and I don't think this is time to mop around. Still, this is my family I'm talking about. My father lied to me. What if my brother also knew this in my entire time? Wait a sec...


Did he really knew all of this? I pick my phone so I could call him but, i quickly realized that I was going to make a mistake.

-Crap! I forgot I'm in their hideout and Totty's good in security. No privacy, (Y/N). Don't let your guard down.-I thought quickly while touching my forehead. I flew out of my thoughts as I suddenly heard knocks on the door.

-(Y/N)? Are you here, Karamtsu's girl??

-Please, not Johnny Bravo...-I sighed. Well, this can get any better. Why is this idiot searching for me? Maybe Osomatsu has something to do with it.

-What do you want? Go away!

-I can't do that. Let me help you.

-You know this is the girl's bathroom?-I asked him while rolling my eyes.

-Then let's go somewhere else.

-So you can eat me? No thanks.

-What the hell, (Y/N)? Why are you so mean?

-How can I trust imbeciles like you?

-Seriously, (Y/N). I know we're a mafia but you don't have to go beyond with your thoughts.-he out of nowhere got serious. He probably might be right. I must be judging them wrong but I can't let my guard down. However, now that I think about it, Osomatsu wants me to be in charge of this mafia cuz' my father is part of this mess. It makes a lot of sense now. That's why the grape psycho didn't kill me at first. This time, I clean up my little tears that escaped and open the door, just to see a patient Karamtsu.

-Well? Where are we going?

-To the library.

-To the...what? Where are we going again?

-To the library...?-he responded raising an eyebrow. I was messing with him already. Let's see how serious he is.

-Oh!-suddenly I clapped three times confusing him while we're already walking to find that place. Regardless, he thought I get it.

-Where are we going?

-Stop it, Karamatsu's girl! I already told you. To...the...library.

-Ok, to the library.

-I don't know why but is kinda familiar what you're doing.

-Of course it is! Haven't you watch Dora the explorer?

-What? Of course not! Haven't you?

-Not in a million years. The song is annoying.-obviously I was trying to distract myself by having a little bit of fun with this fools. This sextuplets are really like kids but somehow, they have something that at least could help them out to move on.

Time past quickly and we were already in the library. I have to say, is not that bad. The place looks great.

-Say, why do you brought me here?-as I asked him, he took a deep breath and answered me with no insecurity.

-My brother called me so you need some company.-he finally made my suspicion to be true. When I was about to ask him something else, his cellphone rings.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now