\\Chapter 17//

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[Normal POV]

Harper was on her way to get out of work, which is in your company. Your absence makes your best friend feel a painful worry that creates tension in her chest. You want to protect her; now that she knows that you're involved with a mafia. Especially when you found out that Ken's mob group are searching for her.

For what reason?

Probably the only explanation is that they're seeking revenge for killing those two bastards that night.

As Harper was checking if she has the keys on her purse, a suspicious car with two men in black were observing her.

—Is that the girl?—the man with some blood desire asks intrigued while pulling down his black sunglasses.

—I'm afraid that's her...sir.—his comrade answers a little nervous.

—I see. This is her company after all.—he couldn't contain his excitement. The mischief he was planning to do is going to turn your tables. The most thing you're afraid for now...

Is Harper's life.

—I can't wait to see your face full of terror, (Y/N).

[Normal POV]

Meanwhile on the Matsu hideout...

You don't have an a idea of the chaos that's about to blow. The matsu brothers are making fun of each of them...

Because of you.

Rumors start to fly on the air and spreading like an awful pandemic.

—WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT!?? I'm NOT into her!—the red Matsu for the first time shows that he's getting low in his patience. Some of his brothers kept bothering and mocking him. He's lucky Ichimatsu wasn't there.

—Yeah, right...—Totty rolls his eyes and start laughing with his phone.

—What are you doing Totty...?

—What do you think I'm doing...?—he giggles; holding his laughter.

—I MEANT WITH YOUR PHONE!—Osomatsu bursts again.

—Wow and here I thought Ichimatsu was the only short tempered.—Choromatsu follows his little brother's mocking section while laughing.

Osomatsu come to his senses and try to focus on his duty as the boss. Well, ex-boss now. He at least found his usual goofy self to surpass his raging instinct.

—Ok, speaking about her...I haven't see her for a while.

—See? Now his asking about her.—Totty mutters to Choromatsu while holding their laughter.

Osomatsu stared at them with a blank emotion, like he was lost in his thoughts. With this usual position when analyzing the situation. Like Sherlock Holmes. Putting his hand on his chin.

—Well, seriously. I haven't either.—from that perspective, Choromatsu stopped mocking and got intrigued as well.

—Did something happened between her and Ichimatsu-niisan?—Totty breaks the little tension by updating it for worse while pretending to play "the one that's clueless".

—No...—Choromatsu answered with doubt until a sudden smirk make its way on his face.

—For now.

—What's that even supposed to mean...?—Osomatsu smiles gritting his teeth.

—Who knows.

—And where's Karamatsu?—Osomatsu crossed his arms like he was the father, scolding his children.

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Where stories live. Discover now