\\Chapter 7//

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[Ichimatsu's POV]

I just can't stand with this anymore. Dealing with idiots all day really isn't my thing. Regardless, I became the mini boss so there is no other choice. When I was about to call Choromatsu, I received a call from Totoko.

-What now, Totoko?-I answer the call a little impatient.

-Calm your boobs. I got news for you.-she then reply me with an insult.

-What was that?-I almost sound like a threat.

-Not now, boss! We're having a visit and you better get here.

-A visit?-I got a little curious. As Totoko kept explaining until she told me who was the visit, I knew this is over.

-Right. I'll be there...-with that alone, I end the call. Now things are going to be as it was a year ago. However, I was waiting for (Y/N). She has to be in the meeting as well. The boss has to know her. Those are the rules. As I was about to call Choromatsu again, I heard the front door. They must got here now. When I was about to get out of my room, I received another call.

-What the pumpkin hell is going on?-I thought while I sighed. I'm about to explode.

-Totoko, you better stop-

-Is me, Totty!-then I got interrupt by my little brother. It was kinda funny when his calling me. Especially, I heard him kinda desperate and worried.

-Totty, something wrong?

-Ichimatsu-niisan! Your house...-Totty kinda pauses at the moment and almost left me in a cliffhanger. When I asked him quick, he told me the problem. This cannot be happening. Two things at the same time. What will come next?

-WHAAAT!?-I almost explode Totty's eardrum, I could tell. Besides, it's my house. To make matters worst, I remember that this idiots just got home. That means...

-Hey, grape dork..! Something wrong?-I could hear her voice and I knew it was (Y/N). I quickly run like an idiot and grabbed (Y/N) during my escape. (Y/N) stayed completely frozed and try to process what was going on.

[Your POV]

I actually don't know what is going on. This idiot has me in his arms like a bride and he's running like crazy.

-What is going on, you psycho!?

-No time to explain or else we'll die!-Ichimatsu then yelled at me desperate and focused. He ran as fast as he could and finally when we managed to go outside, his house explode.

We were both on the solid floor

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We were both on the solid floor. Waiting for the tension of the explosion to retreat. However, I saw Choromatsu and Karamatsu standing behind the front door when Ichimatsu was running with me. I think this idiots die.

-Ichimatsu...your brothers..!-I almost couldn't tell him cause I was choking.

-I don't...care about them! My...house!-he only cares about his house cause he said it with such worry. What kind of ghoul is this idiot?

The Gamer and The Lover: Mafia! Ichimatsu x Gamer! Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora