Another bump in the road

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Kimberly's Pov

I finally find the will to get out of the cabin and walk around town to find myself and get back to reality again. I started to get pains in my stomach so I head over to the hospital to make sure everything was ok, I walk in to the hospital and look up at the tv, the news was saying that a storm was gonna hit, they said that temperatures could reach 14 below zero. Just to make things worse I see Dr. Hernandez asking if I had been to the hospital these past couple of  day's, he catches a glimpse of me and starts to head my way, he says "Kimberly are you ok?" I stare at my shoes as I answer "well not really I've been sad and I've been getting pains in my stomach so not really". He asks me "do you want me to give you an examination", I ask him "aren't you on vacation?" He smirks "well for you I can make an exception".

He does a couple of tests and a quick sonogram, he said "I'll be back in a few minutes", as the minutes go by I count each number in those minutes, instead of minutes it felt like hours, I can hear people coughing and chatting in the distance, I look out the window just to see rain poring down and snow falling in the distance, Dr. Hernandez walks in, I could tell by the look on his face and the deep breath he took before starting his sentence I knew he was going to give me bad news, he says "Kimberly I don't know how to say this" I interrupt him mid sentence, "shut up just don't please don't, please", he proceeds to say "Kimberly your baby is a miscarriage I'm so sorry",Tears run down my face and I run out the hospital sobbing.

Samantha's Pov

I get a call from Dr. Hernandez saying that he found Kimberly, I rushed over to the hospital to make sure that my baby was safe. I finally get there and I see Dr. Hernandez face and I knew something terrible happened, I ask him "what happened, is Kimberly ok!!" After Dr. Hernandez explained to me what had happened,  I felt so much for pain  Kimberly, she must be alone and afraid. Suddenly I hear my cell phone ring, I look at the caller ID and see Kimberly's number, I answer it as fast as I could "hello honey are you ok were are you?" She says to me "mom I need you please I'm at the cemetery were they buried Andrew". I could tell by her voice that she was crying, I know I needed to hurry. On my way there all I could think about was Kimberly, I remember when she first woke up in the hospital after the accident and the joy on her face when I brought her in the kids meal that she really wanted. I remember when I brought her home and she met Andrew, I remember the times were I would help her with her homework and staying up all night watching movies with her.

Kimberly's Pov

As the rain soaks my face and the thunder echoes throughout the mountains, I call my mom up because I needed her now more than ever, it's cold out and I'm sobbing in front of Andrew's grave, I drop to my knees and scream while bursting in tears "what do you want from me, first you take away my parents, then you take away Andrew and now this, every time I find hope it just fades away, please I need your help, I need you because I'm giving up there's nothing left for me!!!!" Suddenly I feel someone hug me, I look up and it's Samantha, she says to me "that's not true sweetheart, don't lose hope because each and every day has a purpose, sometimes we may feel like there's nothing left to live for but as long as we are still  breathing there is life, there is purpose, there is hope, so don't you ever give up, there is always gonna be bumps in the road and we are all going to fall once in a while but it doesn't matter how you fall, the only thing that matters is how you get back up".

She holds her hand out so I grab it and lift myself up, I give Samantha a hug and cry on her shoulder, I said to her "thank you for everything mom, you don't know how much I love you and charish you". She smiled and said "I think know honey", she puts her coat on my shoulders and takes me to the car. On the way home I held Samantha's hand all the way, I look out the car window just watching the snowfall and the lightning bolts flash across the sky.  I kept repeating in my head what Samantha said to me, it was beautiful I guess Samantha wasn't the only one who gave me a hand, that's what we all should be doing, helping one another. The road may be long, it may seem endless but with each step that we take we learn something new.

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