10 years later

53 8 20

Kimberly's Pov

So I get up, take a shower and get ready for school. I put on a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt, plus my favorite hoodie on. I go down stairs just to see my Mom well Samantha but I call her Mom because she raised me and loved me. She put my breakfast on the table and said "good morning sweety, did you sleep well?" I answered "yea Mom I was cozy". I kissed my Mom goodbye as I walk to the bus stop with my headphones blaring my new favorite song loose yourself by Eminem. I see my best friend Andrew sitting at the bus stop he says right away "dude I'm so tired" I laugh sarcastically "maybe because you were texting me all night just so I can give you advice about Carly".

He says to me "well girls do give great advice",  I nod "that is true but still dude damn all night". The bus arrives to interrupt are boring conversation, like really why does he like Carly so much, what does she have that I don't? Maybe she has a bigger butt or something. I get on the bus and listen to music till the school bus arrives at the school. It is a nice and cloudy day out, most people like sunny days but I like the rainy ones. I head to my first period health class, as I'm sitting there waiting for the teacher to give class I look out the window and see Andrew and Carly making out, it made me sick seeing that. The teacher starts handing out the grades from the last test, when he gets done he stands in front of the class and says with a disappointed voice "I'm so disappointed in all of you, I expected better out of all of you, I look at these test scores and I'm embarrassed to even call you students, SHAME!!!" I think to myself "just shut up", or at least I think I did, I look up and see the whole class staring at me. The teachers face turned red "do you have something you want to say Kimberly?" I answer with a low voice "no", he says "well then maybe you can think of what you had to say in detention since you rudely interrupted me".

My Mom is gonna be pissed, I've never got detention before, it's been a stressful couple of days. Days feel like centuries when I'm feeling down but I just got to keep on going. It's finally 3 o'clock but I have to stay for shitty detention, I walk in and see people drawing, some are playing rock paper scissors and most of them are sleeping and drooling on their desk. So I just zone off and listen to music till it's 4:00, as I'm walking home my phone rings I look at who's calling and it's my Mom, at this point I'm shaking, I answer "hi Mom", she screams "were the hell are you?" I answer "I was in detention Mom", she says surprised "what we'll talk about this when you get home", the call ends and I was so nervous to go home and face my Mom, in all my years living with her I've never gotten in trouble, I wonder how she's gonna take it.

I finally get home scared shitless, I see my Mom waiting for me at the front door, I walk up to the door slowly, she asks me "well what do you have to say for yourself?" I answer with my head down in shame "I didn't mean to say it, it just slipped out, I'm just having a bad week I'm kinda sad". She says "look honey I know things can get tough but you have to tell me what's wrong, we promised each other a long time ago that we would share things like this with one another". I reply "I  know Mom it's just hard to deal with all of these emotions at once, like today was so terrible I saw Andrew and Carly making out", she says in shock "I didn't know you liked Andrew that way", I answer "well kinda, I really don't know". She says "well let's get some ice cream and talk about it"

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