The sun will come out tomorrow

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8 years later
Carly's Pov

As I sit in my lonely cell I think about the years that I've wasted, I'm lucky I didn't pull that trigger or else I would've got death row instead of my brother. To be honest if I could go back, I would do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing, it was heartwarming to hear that bullet echo and see it go right through Andrew. I don't regret nothing not even getting caught, I can get my ass handed to me in here a thousand times and I still wouldn't change anything. I hear a bang on my cell I look up and see a guard, he says "get up your new psychologist is here to see you", I say sarcastically "oh goody now I can tell a new person I don't give a fuck", the guard says "well it's obligatory or else your going to isolation", I then say with disappointment "fine". As they sit me down in the lonely room I hear footsteps approaching, when I look up I couldn't believe it.

Kimberly's Pov

I approach the table and sit down, just to see the disbelief on Carly's face, she says "well this should be interesting, just like old times huh Kim", I give her a fake smile and say "wow you haven't changed a bit, so tell me how's life", she smirks and says "it's better than ever, so psychologist what made you choose that profession?" I answer "because we all have problems and I wanted to help people with theirs", she laughs and says "why are you really here Kim let's cut the bullshit, we both know your not here to be my psychologist", I nod "no I'm not, today is my day off, I just wanted to see if you have changed", she crosses her arms and says "well I'm sorry to disappoint you but no I haven't and guess what I don't regret nothing", I stare at her with a blank expression "well that's to bad Carly, I thought you might have matured over the years but I guess your the same brat that is scared to face reality", her smirk disappeared then she says, "you know after I had Andrew killed, I should've killed you too but I wanted you to suffer each agonizing minute without him", I chuckle "you know Carly I did suffer, I cried, I even thought about killing myself a couple of times but guess what, I kept on living, I grew past the pain, sure I still think about Andrew but I know he's still alive in my heart and that's something you can't take away, the only reason you killed Andrew is because you were scared of being alone", she looks away from me and says "fuck you, get out of here and by the way I did what I did not because I was scared, I did it because it was the right thing to do", I get up and say "well Carly I'm sorry you believe that but all I can say to you is that I forgive you". Then I just walk away I hear her say before they bring her back to her cell "I don't need you're forgiveness, all I need to know is that I won hahaha I WON!!!!" I don't look back, I just say "sometimes you have to lose, to understand what winning is, you may have won but you lost everything in the process". I walk out the door and see my son with his dad waiting for me eating ice cream, he asks me "where are we going mommy?", I say "we are going to grandma's house Andrew", he jumps up and down, then he gets in the car. As we drive to my mom's house I read a phrase  to myself that I wrote when I was younger to not be afraid of the difficult situations that may come.

The difference between giving up and taking a deep breath is that when you give up your fooling yourself, your saying that you can't. When you take a deep breath that's the moment when you accept reality, that's when you turn I can't into I can, that's when you turn a I hope into I know, a deep breath is a moment you take to tell yourself I I'm ready to keep on going, even though it's cloudy outside that doesn't mean that the sun won't come out tomorrow but until then I'll just keep on walking through the rain.

The end

I just wanted to thank everyone for reading this story it really means a lot, the moral of thos story is no matter how many problems you may have, you can always get through them. We learn from are problems, we learn from are mistakes, it doesn't matter how many obstacles you may face along the way you can always get through them.


Walking through the rainWhere stories live. Discover now