Practice Match Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"I'm not really, I could help you if you'd like." Daichi said looking really excited because he was finally the match maker, "but it's only if you win the game, got it."

"Yes, I do captain." Kuroo said happily.

"Hey you two, go and get changed," Coach Nekomata yelled, "we have a match to play."

"Yes sir," both the captains said.

Kuroo and Daichi headed to their designated locker rooms.  Kuroo was changing right next to Kenma and they started to talk about Y/N.

"Kenma did you see their manager from Karasuno,"  Kuroo said while taking off his shirt, "she looks so attractive."

"Which one are you talking about, the cute one or the hot one."  Kenma asked.

"The cute one, her name is Y/N chan," Kuroo said trying to pull his uniform shirt down.

Kenma then said back softly."Oh that one, I thought you were talking about the taller one, Kiyoko san.  She seems to be more of your type."

"Nah not really, I want to gave chibi chan my hoodies and jackets and hug her to sleep,"  Kuroo said happily while blushing a lot.

"Stop simping lover boy, we have a game to play," Yaku said while leaning on the door, "you too Kenma san, what's with that nick name as well.  Chibi Chan."

They all walked to the gym together in silence for a couple seconds until Yaku spoke up and said, "Hey kuroo, you're interested in the 'chibi chan' manager from Karasuno right."

"Well, yeah I am I want to get a shot at least," Kuroo said while looking pretty determined, "we have to win this game or else I don't get to talk to her."

"Kuroo san, I'm being nice with this and the thing is," Yaku started, "you don't have girl experience.

"Yaku san is right though, you just don't," Kenma said agreeing with the short libero as he played his game.

"I have plenty of girl experience, you're just jealous Demon senpai."  Kuroo argued.

"No you don't, every girl you have came across just thought that you were hot or something, but then they left because of your nerdy personality," Yaku said back harshly, "plus, the girl you're interested in could just be like them or even worse, she's into bad boys."

"Pfft, Yaku is right though Kuroo san, you do suck with girls." Kenma said looking up from his phone.

"A-at least I already had my first love, and two girlfriends" Kuroo said back pouting a bit.

"Oh yeah, and what happened to that, hmm Kuroo san," Yaku said in a cunning tone.

"They all left because I was too nerdy," Kuroo said sadly, "fine ... I'll lay back on the chemistry jokes until we're more comfortable."

"Well who said that you were going to get together anyways," Kenma said while looking that his game.

"You guys are mean, help me too." Kuroo said looking a bit down.

"We are, we're helping by winning the game."  Kenma said.

"Plus Kuroo san, I'll give you some lessons before you approach Y/N chan."  Yaku said happily.

"What do you know about girls, huh Demon Senpai."  Kuroo said.

"I know how to win a couple of hearts, including hers."  Yaku said, "we can learn later, right now we have a game to get to."

Both teams met up at the middle of their assigned courts to prep and plan.  The coaches and managers sat near their assigned courts as well.  Kiyoko and Y/N were sitting near the coaches from Karasuno.  Both teams then lined up at the edge of there assigned side of the court to greet each other before they start.  "Thank you for the game." Everyone on both teams exclaimed.

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