Izuku was surprised by this. Not only about the fact that Ojiro went out of his way to tell him this, but also about the fact that Shinso has a strong quirk.

Izuku then noticed something about Ojiro's eyes, something he was hiding. Izuku had a feeling about what this was, malicious intent. Something inside of Ojiro wanted to attack Izuku, and it was strong. Ojiro had gone and helped Izuku, even though he felt this toward him.

Izuku smiled and nodded, before he walked off.

"Alright it's time to start the first round!" Annoying mic roared, and Izuku was actively covering his ears.

"In one corner we have the excessively powerful, and the victor of previous events, Izuku Midoriya!" He roared, and Izuku clutched his ears even tighter now. Izuku looked over to the stands, and saw that those five individuals were all clenching their own ears.

So I'm not the only one... I will shut you up... Izuku thought, right before Annoying mic began to introduce his opponent.

"In the other corner we have a student from the general studies course, Hitoshi Shinso!" Annoying mic said. Izuku was completely stoic at this point, nothing Shinso said would get to him in any way.

"Hey, you told me to face you in the third round. Well here I am." Shinso randomly said. Izuku didn't answer him in any way.

"START!" Annoying mic roared, and Izuku began to slowly walk up to Shinso.

"My how blessed you are, to have such strength. You've won every single event so far, just what quirk do you have?" Shinso said, somehow unaware of the fact that Izuku is quirkless. Izuku didn't respond, it was as if he hadn't noticed, he just kept walking towards his opponent.

Shinso began to get angry, as he said and asked numerous things but didn't answer. Eventually he grew desperate, so he said something that would definitely get under Izuku's skin.

"I saw how you and that Organ girl were behaving around each other, but honestly it didn't look any special to me..." Shinso said, and Izuku stopped moving. He was staring at Shinso with a blank expression, that slowly turned into one of anger. Shinso smiled, for he was confident that Izuku would respond.

"Even I have a chance with that whore, don't you think?" He then continued.

Everyone in the stadium was silent, no one made a single sound. Rachel looked towards the ring, in slight worry. She wasn't bothered by Shinso's words, she was afraid that Izuku would do something that he would later regret.

There was more silence, and Izuku didn't move a muscle. He just stood there, bangs covering his eyes. Then, in a split second, he dashed and was mere centimeters away from his opponent.

Shinso was shocked and afraid, for when he looked up he saw a furious animal. Izuku's eyes were filled to the brim with murderous intent, he was so angry that his face had veins that almost bursted.

Izuku then grabbed and lifted Shinso up by the jaw, before he could utter another word. He then looked at Shinso, and spoke.

"Since you're so braindead that you can't figure it out, I'll just tell you why you're falling behind." He said, completely unaffected by any form of brainwashing. Shinso looked in fear, as Izuku continued.

"It's because of you, no one else!" He quickly said, and Shinso was shocked.

"You've been thinking that everyone else is blessed, and that they are only better because of their quirks. What you don't realise is that everyone in the hero course, even beyond it, has worked their bodies to hell so that they could get to where they are right now. You, on the other hand, are a spoiled brat who believes that everything will be handed to you, that you don't have to work for it." Izuku said. Shinso was even more shocked, and he got a little angry.

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