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We've been walking for miles. We're on the hunt for Horcruxes. It's been difficult. I often think about Draco, I worry that he's hurt. Most of all, I worry about this war. As we walk, Ron has a little radio, where names are being read out. The names of people who didn't make it. i get scared that one of those names will be my brother.

Harry sighed gently, "Ron, maybe listening to that isn't such a good idea, it'll make it worse-"

Ron cut Harry off, "you don't know what you're talking about. I'm listening to see if my brothers or sister's name is read out, and I hope to Merlin they're okay, alright?" he snapped, which made Hermione sigh.

"I understand Ron. I'm scared that Draco's name-" I started, but also got cut off.

"Draco? You're worried about Draco? Oh come on. Get off yourself.He's working with Voldemort himself, and you're worried he's dead? Wake up, that won't kill him! But they'll kill my family, so no, you don't understand"

"Ronald! That's enough!" Hermione snapped, making him shut up. Maybe he's right. They wouldn't hurt Draco would they?

We had set up camp, that Hermione had pulled out of her bag. I've always seen her with it, and called her stupid for having such a gross muggle bag. Maybe I should've paid more attention, for it wasn't just a gross muggle bag. Hermione then cast several charms to protect our area from muggles and unwanted company. As she did that, with Harry, I made myself comfy is the tent, in my little bed area. It wan't the comfiest, but I couldn't complain. i'm just thankful to still be alive at this point.

As I laid in my bed, my mind had drifted to the thought of my parents, and wondered if they were worried about me and if they had tried looking for me. Or maybe they were too busy with Voldemort.

I had felt someone staring at me, so I shifted my eyes towards Ron, where he was glaring at me, "You know, it's your brother's fault. Your whole entire family's fault."

Ugh, please, stop reminding me. I sighed and ignored him, rolling over and closed my eyes. I was tired, I needed sleep. I was also dirty. I miss having a shower, or a bath. Some of the muggle clothing I had been wearing the whole time, had started to rip. I miss having my own clothes, They're far more comfier and don't break at all.


The next morning, I woke up to Harry and Hermione talking. But no sight of Ron. I got up and stretched, and walked over to the pair. "Where's Ron?" I asked, as I brushed through my hair with my fingers, and had done two french braids. My mother always used to do that.

"We figured out why he was being aggressive and not his normal...Ron" Harry started.

"He was wearing the Horcrux. The necklace one. We took it off him, and then he... just sort of left" Hermione said, some sadness in her voice. I could tell she had feelings for him.

"Oh... Did he say when he's coming back?" I asked, taking a seat next to them. Hermione shook her head, which made me sigh.

"We have to keep going though. We can't give up because Ron decided that he didn't want to help" Harry said.

And that was it. We packed up the tent, and off we went. We kept walking as we normally did. In a way, it was peaceful without Ron. There was no more radio, listing the names of the deceased. It made me feel me guilty. I felt responsible for this mess. Maybe I should've tried harder to convince Draco not to do this. Maybe I should've been more curious and find out what was going on, therefore I could be more help. I really hope we win this bloody war. It's kind of exhausting now. Mind you, everything is becoming exhausting.

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