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I haven't seen my brother for a while. I'm missing him. It's like there is this huge void in my heart. I don't care much for my father, we haven't always seen eye to eye. I've found that my mind wonders a lot recently, and I'm noticing that I'm not my talkative self. But what can I say? The end is coming, so of course I'm not going to be my normal self.

I've decided that I'm on Harry's side. Even if that means fighting against my own family. But I know that Draco doesn't want this, and as much as he hates Harry, he'd much rather be on this side, than with the Death Eaters.

The Weasley family, Hermione, Kingsley, Hagrid, Moody, Fleur, Remus and Tonks (except Molly, Ginny and I) have gone to Harry's home to bring him here. They had a plan with Polyjuice potion to all disguise as Harry. Smart idea, if you ask me. As Ginny and I aren't "Of age", we stayed behind with Molly. Molly is nice and understands me, treats me as her own too. But I have a feeling that no one else really likes me. Harry and Hermione seem to like me, as does Bill and Fluer, the twins and Ginny. But I'm not surprised. I am a Malfoy, and my family has hurt people. I'm not proud of it either. I hate people assuming I'm just like the rest of them. Yes I'm a Slytherin, but I'm not bad like Parkinson or those two idiots who follow and praise my brother like a God.

"Lyra darling, are you okay?" Molly asked, dragging me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to face her, and gave her a soft smile, and nodded my head, "I'm okay" I said gently. I can physically hear and feel the energy draining from my voice. Ginny smiled gently at me, "We'll figure this out. We have Harry, Hermione and my idiot brother. We'll win this, and definitely win with you on our side, you're strong Lyra, and you know stunts and tactics your family will pull, so this is why you'll be going along with the three to destroy all the Horcruxes."

Ah yes. We spoke about this. I'll be going with the Golden Trio to help them destroy all the Horcruxes. We're at an advantage now. But I'm hoping this works. I need it to work, for my brother's sake. I hope he's okay...

My thoughts were disturbed when Harry and Hagrid came in, Ginny embracing him in her arms. I smiled softly. They were perfect for each other, they were in love. The rest of the others started pilling in, but that's when George came in injured, and Molly looked him over. Thankfully he would be okay. But someone had betrayed us, and as I listened to Remus explain, I spoke up.

"Snape. It has to be him" I said bluntly. That gained their attention.

"How can you be so sure?" Arthur asked me, stepping forward as Molly was patching George up.

I looked at him, "Because he was walking down the halls of my house in the summer with..." I trailed off, not wanting to say his name. But I plucked up all the courage I had, which wasn't a lot by the way, and said his name, finishing my sentence, "With Voldemort".

The next morning was the wedding of Bill and Fleur. The timing was rather strange, to have a wedding I mean, but maybe it's a good idea to try and bring a cheerful event, whilst a depressing war is happening. Hermione let me borrow a dress, and thank Merlin it was green. She knew me well. I did my hair as french braids, leaving some strands loose. A lot of people came, and I was surprised at how many people the Weasley's knew.

The night was fun, including a dance with Fred as he noticed I was by myself a lot. But then the attack happened. Everything went wrong, and I cursed my father for joining the Death Eaters. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I had to make a run for it, by Hermione apparating us to somewhere in Muggle London, somewhere I wasn't too familiar with. We almost got hit by a Muggle bus, but we were fortunate to quickly move out of the way. I followed the trio, all four of us dressed up still. We got changed into different clothes when no muggles were around, spare clothes Hermine brought along in her bag. I had black jeans, some cheap shoes and a green and black jumper, all of which were muggle of course. They were comfortable I suppose, but Wizarding clothing was far better.

We went to a little muggle cafe, where we sat and had a drink, talking about what our next move was going to be, until we got rudely interrupted. Two of the Death Eater's, as I recognised them both as Antonin Dolohov and Thorfinn Rowle had managed to find us. All four of us stood up, our wands pointing against them. They chuckled at our antics.

"And what do we have here? A traitor? Wouldn't your father and Dark Lord like to know you're here, Lyra" Antonin chuckled, making me grip my wand tighter. Hermione threatened them, holding her wand up higher, "Leave her alone.."

They both chuckled, but I was the first to throw a spell, "Incarcerous!". I aimed at Antonin, and let me tell you, it felt good to do that.

There was a full on battle for about 5 minutes, and the next thing I know, they're laying on the floor, and we let Hermione finish this off, with just one word, before we left to Grimmauld place,


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