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The next morning I heard Hermione raising her voice. I got up, quickly got changed since no one else was in here, brushed my hair with a brush that Hermione packed, and quickly stepped outside. There was Ron, with the necklace destroyed in one hand, the sword of Gryffindor in the other, and a very wet and cold looking Harry by his side.

"Look, I woke up on Christmas Day in a pub. The Deluminator whispered to me. It sounded like you, Hermione. All of a sudden, this blue orb appeared. I figured that it would lead me to one of you. And it did." Ron said, which made Hermione less angry looking.

I looked at Ron, who gave me a weak smile, "Hi Lyra. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for being a massive git. I didn't mean any of the stuff I said" Ron explained. I just smiled and shook my head, "Yes, you were a big git Weasley, but I forgive you"

Hermione and I decided to read over the book that Dumbledore left for her in his will, while Harry and Ron were inside the tent. Hermione frowned, "Does this look familiar to you?" She asked, pointing to some sort of sign drawn into a page. I looked at it, and furrowed my eyebrows, "Wasn't Luna's dad wearing that at Bill and Fleur's wedding? It was a necklace" I replied, remembering back to that night.

"Lets go and ask Harry, he spoke to Xenophilius" Hermione said and we both got up and went inside, where Harry shouted a spell.

"What's going on in here?" Hermione asked as we stepped inside.

"Nothing" Both Harry and Ron said together. Hermione rolled her eyes and opened the book to the page. "Lyra and myself were just reading the book Dumbledore left me and we came across this. Lyra said she remembers Xenophilius, Luna's father, wearing this at the wedding. Harry, you spoke to him that night, does this look familiar to you?" Hermione asked.

Harry had a quick look, his eyebrows furrowed, "Yes, he was wearing it that night. But does anyone know what it means?" As Ron had a quick look. I just shrugged.

"Well, maybe we should go and ask him, he's bound to know what it is" Hermione said.

I nodded in agreement with her but Ron spoke up, "Well then, we should go. Let's vote on it. Hands up if we should go" He said as he raised his hand. Hermione glanced at me and Harry before rolling her eyes and walked out of the tent. I guess we're going walking again.

We've been walking for a while, across the field where Hermione apparated us.

Ron looked at the house, "This is the house?"

Hermione glanced at him "Ron don't be so rude" She said as we walked towards it. Hermione walked up the steps, Ron behind her, me and then Harry at the back. She knocked on the door and waited.

Xenophilius answered and looked at her, "Yes?"

"Hello sir, we're here to ask you some questions-" Hermione started but got cut off.

"Uh.. no thank you" Xenophilius started and went to close the door but Harry quickly stepped up, "No wait sir"

The next thing I knew, we were inside his living room, if it could even be classed as one, drinking some tea, all sat silently, and it was awkward.

"So, what questions did you have for me?" Xenophilius asked, holding his tea.

"We were just wondering what this symbol meant.You wore it on the night of Bill and Fleur's wedding. It's in a children's book" Hermione said and showed him.

He pulled out his necklace from under his shirt and said, "Read the tale of the three brothers"

Hermione looked confused but started to read it. I was listening, but my mind went back to when my mother used to read this tale to Draco and me when it was our bedtime. She used to read it to us every night before we went to sleep. After mother tucked us in, and left, Draco used to get out of bed and jumped onto mine, saying "I'm death! Here is your wand!" Usually handing me some stick he found in the garden. I remember giggling at him and taking the wand, "Why thank you Mr.Death" We used to giggle for ages, and used to tell each other our own versions of the tale until we both fell asleep.

How I miss childhood, where everything was easier and innocent.

Hermione finished the story and looked up at Xenophilius, "But that still doesn't explain it..?"

Xenophillius hurried up and went over to some parchment and a quill. "This" He started and draw a line, "Is the most power wand ever created; the Elder wand." He drew a circle, "And this is the resurrection stone", and finished it off with the triangle, "And this is the Cloak of Invisibility. The Deathly Hallows, Powerful when used together"

Hermione glanced at us all, and back at the drawing. "I should make you more tea" Xenophilius said, after looking out the window and rushed down to make some tea.

"That was odd.." I said gently, picking up Hermione's bag and handed it to her, "Maybe we should leave" I said, the other agreeing with me. Before we went down the stairs, I grabbed the parchment Xenophilius drew the Deathly Hallows on and folded it up, putting it into my pocket.

We went downstairs, where Xenophlius was staring out the window, "Well thank you, but we must get going" Harry said. Xenophilius turned around quickly, "NO! You can't!" He shouted, making us jump.

"You don't understand. I need you to help me. They have Luna, they took her"

"Who took her?" Harry asked, but the windows smashed suddenly. We all got down. The house was being destroyed. We all grabbed hands and someone apparated us out into a forest area. Ron and Hermione dumped their bags, Ron going to set some charms for us to settle down.

"I took that drawing Xenophilius drew" I said to Hermione, "In case we need it"
"When did you have time for-Oh never mind, you're a Slytherin" Hermione said.

Suddenly snatchers appeared. "Run!" Ron said, and we started to run, the snatchers grabbing Ron's and Hermione's bags.

I got caught, and saw Scabior who looked at me. I've seen him multiple times around the house last summer. He looked surprised, "Well, well, well. If it isn't the lovely Lyra Malfoy. The traitor" He stated as one of the snatchers held me. The other three got caught. Fenrir Greyback held Harry, but his face looked swelled, I instantly looked at Hermione and gave me a subtle nod.

"What might your name be?" Scabior asked Harry, which he quickly replied with, "Vernon. Dudley Vernon, Slytherin" He lied easily.

Scabior merely nodded, and moved onto Hermione, "And what might your name be, my lovely?"

"Penelope Clearwater, half-blood" She replied just as quickly. I saw the slight fear in her eyes.

"Dudley Vernon aren't on these papers" A snatcher said, whilst Fenrir had found Harry's glasses and held them up. Scabior quickly went over, and moved Harry's hair. "Change of plan...We aren't taking this lot to the ministry" He said, all 4 of us glancing at each other.

Bloody hell. Now what?

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