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My days were the same. They were slow and boring. I was mostly in my room, having nothing to do. I had no choice, I had to stay there. I eventually got bored of reading the same books over and over, so there were times where I tried to sneak out of my room. I guess mother got bored of yelling at me, because the next time I tried to leave my room, the door was locked. Locked I say! Who does that to their own child?!

The only time I was allowed out of my room, was when breakfast, lunch or dinner was ready. But as the days came, they didn't bother to call me for breakfast. I never saw much of Draco anymore, and that worried me. And when I did see him (at the dining table), he looked depressed and tired. The table was silent. No one would talk as we ate. I often felt uncomfortable.

Father would be giving me these looks, as if wanting me to hurry up with my eating. Sometimes, I felt so pressured, I only had a few bites of food. But then Draco would come by later and give me my plate of food that I barely touched. He couldn't stay for long, but when he did, he gave me really long hugs, telling me that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. He told me father loved me, but he just didn't want me hurt. This often made me confused. Confused, as to why he would suddenly bring it up. But I never asked. It was just nice to hug my brother. I did ask him if he was okay, however, he never answered, so I decided to stop asking. It was for the best, I suppose.

I've never wanted my summer holiday to end so quickly. I just wanted to go back to Hogwarts, where everything felt normal, and fine. It was too weird here. I didn't like it.

I used to feel safe here. But now, with more and more strangers coming in and out of the house, I felt less safe. There were words that Voldemort was back. And things lead me to believe that my family could possibly be working with him. I didn't want to believe it, but I had a strong feeling that it was true. The more days that went by, the more that belief got stronger.

I never got to sleep easily. I could hear people chatting and people laughing maliciously. This wouldn't stop until one or two in the morning. That's when I got to sleep. But I woke up early in the mornings; not by choice. By seven, people were already walking around and talking loudly. I heard several mentions of Draco's name, and I had tried to listen in. But all I heard was, "He chose Draco, what an honour." This helped me back up my point about my belief, of my family working with Voldemort, but I never wanted to think about it.


By the time school rolled around, and Draco and I were standing at the all-too-familiar train station, I could sense tension in the air. Sadness and guilt was what I could read in Draco's eyes. Again, I never asked him about anything. He became distant, so I respected his space. I decided that it would probably be wise to give him the space and time. He would talk when he was ready.

But that time never came. The train ride to school was quiet and painful. But I thought about my fifth year. This was the year I do my O.W.L.S. I probably should've used the summer to prepare for it, but obviously, everyone in the manor ruined any plans of me doing so.

We got to the Great Hall, after unpacking and settling down, to see the first years being sorted into their houses. Draco looked depressed. Our house cheered when we had new first years joining us. But Draco didn't move, smile, cheer, clap..He sat still. I could feel a pair of eyes on us. Looking up, I saw Snape loom from Draco to me, and then back to Draco.

I narrowed my eyes. I would have to speak to the mysterious man, and find out what he knew. As Draco was a prefect, he had to show the first years around, from Slytherin house. You could tell he didn't want to do it, but he had no choice. So as he did his little job, I gave my self a little job. I got up and followed Snape to his empty classroom. When he sat, I cleared my throat and walked in.

"Ah, Miss Malfoy. What can I do for you?" He asked, in his monotone voice.

"I want to know what you've done to my brother. Why is he depressed and tired? What is mother and father doing to him? What-" I was about to ask more, but I got rudely cut off.

"Do you think it is wise to be asking questions that don't concern you, Lyra?" Snape asked, reading through some parchment.

I narrowed my eyes, and crossed my arms, "Yes, I do think it is wise. He's my brother, and it does concern me, thank you" I snapped.

Snape looked up at me. His eyes were sympathetic for a couple of seconds. He sat up, his eyes never leaving me. " Go back to your dormitory, Lyra. And stay out of it." He said. I didn't move. I wanted answers.

"Now!" Snape yelled. I glared at him and stomped out, but knocked into a certain boy. Potter.

"I heard that. What is going on?" Potter asked. I crossed my arms, looking at him.

"Hm, well If you heard that, you would know that I'm not being told anything, Potter" I snapped and walked towards the Slytherin common room. This is getting ridiculous. Why wasn't I allowed to know? It did concern me. My family is involved with this, I deserve to know what's going on. I'll just have to be extra Slytherin about how I approach this.

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