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Panda: I dared Batman to make a pun for Superman!

Batman: I hate this show.

Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing: *giggle at Batman's Footloose tape*

Tay: GO TO PUNNING! Why do I yell all the time?

Batman: No.

Tay: well we do have-- *is shoved*

Mush: mutant bears injected with Venom.

Bears: *roar and struggle at huge chains*

*chains start bending*

Batman: o.o OK OK FINE!

Bear: *bites Robin's cape*

Robin: oh sh----

Tay: *glares*

Robin: Shoot. *gets pulled in to bears*

*screams and cloth fly everywhere*

Nightwing, Batgirl, Batman: ROBIN! *rush to help*

Tay: TIM! *slaps bear* BAD BEAR! LET GO RIGHT NOW!

Bear: *whimpers and lets Robin go*

Robin: *gets pulled out with patches of clothes missing and scratches all over body* That. Was not. Fun. *passes out*

Tay:... ANYWAY

~after Robin is taken to the infirmary~

Batman: How ya feeling, Superman?

Superman: pretty good.

Batman: Thats Super, man!


Mush: thats all for n--

Panda: *shoves* now. BAI!

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