Chapter 9

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Priscilla's P.O.V

I felt surprisingly good about myself. Having just ratted out an entire vampire coven or something. Yeah, that included Damon, but him and I would be long gone by then. My plan was in full swing, my Damon would truly become mine again. I felt my mouth curve up into a twisted smile as I strolled down the sidewalk, away from the Town Hall. I casually eyed up any good looking guy I passed, unaware I was doing it. Sooner or later I reached a bar, going by the name of ''The Mystic Grill''. I pushed open the heavy doors and entered the heavily beer scented atmosphere, making my way straight over to the bar and occupying the first bar stool I set my eyes on.

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender made eye contact with me immediately.

"I'll just have a lemonade for now, maybe something stronger a bit later on." I smiled at him, showing my pearly white teeth. He quickly poured my drink and placed it on the empty coaster in front of me.

I noticed his name badge and smiled cheesily at him, "thank you, Matt." Matt smiled back at me, his baby blue eyes glowing as I gazed at him. He was cute, but I was taken.


"Matt, are you sure it's okay for us to be here? The founders could walk in any minute." I overheard another bartender exlaim quietly. He was in a matching royal blue Mystic Grill T-shirt, he was slightly smaller than Matt. With dark hair and chocolate eyes

"If the founders were looking for us, they'd find us by now. Jer, the Boarding house is the most obvious place for us to be. They're not coming for us." Matt grabbed a dish cloth and started mopping up the edge of the bar.

Founders? Were these two a part of the little vampire group I'd just outted? My eyes shot down to Matt's hands as he moved them in a circular motion whilst holding his cloth. He was wearing a silver ring with a blue stone in the centre of it. A small family embelum in the middle of the stone. It looked like a daylight ring, but I'd recognise that ring anywhere. It was a Gilbert life ring. Worn only by those who were not of supernatural ability. Matt was human. A beautiful one, at that.

I slowly sipped my lemonade, still gazing at the two of them. It would be fun to mess around with them.

"You don't know that, Matt... They could be planning their attack." Jeremy warned him, his eyes blaring.
"Matt's right." I mumbled, sipping my drink.

"Excuse me?" Matt asked, confused. "How do you know?"

"Founders? As in founding families, I'm right, no? My Mother is in the founding family set up. She's a Fell." I told them, exploiting my founding family wisdom.

"And you are..?" Jeremy eyed me up and down.

"Christina Fell." I replied, taking a random name out from thin air. I smiled at them both, exposing my dimples to them.

"So how do you know that the founders aren't coming for us?" Matt asked curiously.

"My Mother had been talking about this vampire coven or whatever for a while. And suddenly she stopped, I asked her why and she said that the coven were no longer under investigation." I explained, finishing the last of my lemonade and slamming the glass down on the table for emphasis.

"The founders wouldn't just give up like that." Jeremy murmured.

"Aye, well they have. My Mother is now plotting against a small coven just outside Mystic Falls. They're a family of vampires, feeding off of humans." I sighed. I slowly rested my chin on one of my arms that rested against the bar surface.

"But, once they're done with that coven they'll come back to us." Jeremy continued. I rolled my eyes, this kid was being so pesimistic. I hated it, he'd lose his tongue if he wasn't careful.

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