Chapter 14

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Damon's P.O.V

Priscilla's mighty glare was rather unpleasant. Her menacing eyes were like darts and her curvaceous lips looked just about ready to say something that I didn't want to hear. Before she even dared to utter a word, I interrupted her.

"I'm sorry Priscilla, you're not welcome here and I'm kind of preoccupied." I explained as I tried to manouver my way past her. She wouldn't budge.

"Damon please, this is important. It's about our family..." She mumbled. I knew what she was doing, she didn't think I was aware of the two vampire teens that we had conceived. I smiled at her.

"Sweetheart, I know about Ricky and Lizzy. Now I need to go, sorry." I wasn't sorry at all. A part of me was beginning to believe Stefan, in the fact that Priscilla did most likely attack the bartender quarterback. Priscilla slapped her hand onto my shoulder and prevented my leave yet again.

"Ricky and Lizzy? Damon, I named them Richard and Elizabeth? Where are you getting those nicknames from?"


It looks like I wasn't so clever after all, okay now I needed to think of a witty remark on the spot.

"Oh, you know how I am. I'm always giving people nicknames." I continued my devilish grin, Priscilla looked extremely hurt. I appears that our children were her weak spot. Bingo.

"Are you really that sick as to give our dead children stupid nicknames? What has vampirism done to you, Damon?" She was disgusted with me. Could this be all I needed to do to get this psychopath off of my back for good? My grin couldn't have possibly widened anymore than it had.

"Damon? Hellooo?" A familiar female voice echoed from the hallway. SHIT. It was Lizzy. My grin dropped immediately and my eyes widened ever so slightly. Priscilla raised an eyebrow at me cautiously. 

"Excuse me a second." I laughed awkwardly as I span around and vampire sped towards where I could hear Lizzy.

"Da- Oh, there you are. Hey listen, I was wondering how long we all have to stay under this roof because it's a bit crowded and I-" Lizzy began to complain, I placed a finger to her lips and shushed her.

"Lizzy can I trust you to not do exactly what I'm scared you'll do if I tell you what I'm about to tell you?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded, I could feel her nerves trembling. Out of the two of them, I knew Lizzy was the one I could trust the most. If Ricky knew Priscilla was in the house then he would be straight out there in the living room telling her about his thirteenth birthday and so on. 

"Okay... Do. Not. Freak. Out. Your mother is in the living room right now and I need you and Ricky to both stay in your room until she leaves. Can you do that for me? Can I trust you?" I was trying to be as quiet as I physically could and removed my finger from Lizzy's lips. 

"Okay... But what about Ric-" I cut her off, afraid that she wasn't being quiet enough. Priscilla had been alive long enough to be classed as an 'old vampire', her hearing would be exquisite. 

"Don't make him think anything is wrong. If he tries to leave the room, ask him to play cards or something. I don't know! I just need you to keep him in that room whilst Priscilla is still in the house. I'll come into your room when she's gone, okay? Please just do what ever the heck you want to keep him there. It's important. Is that clear?" Lizzy gulped and nodded. I let her go and she walked back off towards her room. 


I quickly made my way back to where Priscilla was. She was now sitting on the couch, drinking some of my most expensive whiskey. What a bitch. 

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