Chapter 16

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Elena's P.O.V
I impatiently stood over Bonnie as she chanted the ancient, witchy words under her breath. The tension in the room was thick, we were all in the room now; besides Matt who I insisted got a check up at the hospital after I regretfully tore his neck open. Jeremy had his arm around my shoulders to comfort me as I nervously bit at my fingernails.

Bonnie's eyes opened and the violent flickering of the candles began to die down, she glanced over to Stefan and held out her hand. It then became clear that she needed his blood to be able to pin point Damon's exact whereabouts. Stefan willingly placed his inner wrist to his lips and pierced his skin delicately. He flinched ever so slightly as he did so, and then bent down towards Bonnie, giving her his bleeding wrist.

Bonnie gingerly tilted Stefan's wrist so that the blood would trickle down onto the map. She began to chant again, the flames emerging from the candles grew impressively in height. Bonnie held one of Damon's shirts in her hands also. The blood on the map slowly began to move, it wormed its way around Mystic Falls for a few minutes. I could hear my undead heart beating in my chest, a lump was thick in my throat. The blood stopped on the map and the candles went out.

"He's in the woods, near where my ancestors are buried. Whoever he's with, they must be using the spirits to draw upon. They're casting a spell." Bonnie explained. My eyes widened a little, why were they using Damon for a spell?

"We need to go, right now." I responded in a monotone voice.

I glanced over at Stefan, he nodded in agreement. "We'll take my car."


I watched all of the houses pass me by as I glanced out of the car window. Stefan was driving the car, in complete silence. Bonnie sat in the passenger's seat whilst Alaric and I sat in the back. Caroline was in the car behind with Tyler and Jeremy. Ricky and Lizzy had taken a separate car, they cared a lot about Damon. I admired that. It was a pleasure to invite them to stay with us after all they had done to help us when we were kidnapped by the founder's council (who we were sure were still plotting against us).

The houses soon became flocks of trees as we entered the woods. I was nervous as to what we were soon be faced with when we found Damon and whoever he was with. As long as he was still alive, this sick feeling in my chest would soon fade.

I'm sure he was still alive, I mean it was Damon Salvatore for crying out loud! There were very few things that could take him down. He was extremely strong, he wasn't going to let a little kidnapping damage his vampire ego.

The woods started to darken and the atmosphere around me faded to nothing. I was left with a silent feeling in my chest, which I know makes no sense. But the trees gave off an ugly aura that made you feel literally nothing inside. Their existence was spooky due to the amount of people who were probably buried beneath the woody grounds, and it was even more horrific to think of how many of the deaths here were due to "animal attacks".

I shoved my hair behind my ear as I leant against the car window, my eyes flicked back and forth as I continuously watched all of the outside world pass me by. It was weird to think that everything was still running smoothly outside, the world was still turning. Yet my world had just been kidnapped and I had no idea whether he was still alive.

The car suddenly came to a halt. Stefan removed his hands from the wheel and pointed into the distance.

"There's some light over there. Maybe there's a fire or something." He explained. Bonnie nodded.

"That's where my ancestors are buried, if there's fire then someone must be casting a spell, I'm sure of it." Bonnie responded, her voice was dry. I knew that she cared about Damon deep down, and I could tell that she was worried about him.

Stefan and Delena: WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon