Chapter 8

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Priscilla's P.O.V

I hung in the tree for what seemed like hours, I wanted to leave but the direction I wanted to go was right past Damon and Katherine. I couldn't risk being caught out just yet and ruin my grand entrance that I was excited about. So, there I was. Clung to a tree like a koala, bored out of mind and having the love of my life making out with Katherine Pierce as my only source of entertainment. Wouldn't you just love to be in my position? Feel free to swap places with me. Seriously.

"I love you, Elena." Damon announced loud and proud.

Elena? Who the heck was that? I set my focus more on the girl this time, leaning a little closer to her. She looked exactly like Katherine, a spitting image. Was I just going crazy? Or maybe my memories of Katherine were fading. I felt a little more relaxed knowing that this girl wasn't someone I despised. Although, I despised this girl too. I refused the idea of jealousy and envy. Only hatred.

I wanted him, I didn't want anyone else to have him.

"I love you too." Elena smiled at Damon, I snarled in disgust at her words.

I love him more.

Suddenly Damon's head flicked to my direction, I froze. Was I being loud for his hearing capabilites? Crap.

"What's wrong?" Elena asked him, placing her petite hand on Damon's chest.

Move. Your. Hand.

"Nothing... I thought I heard something, like an animal. I heard a growl, I'm pretty sure." Damon replied with a tone in his voice that made him sound concentrated on the noise. I guess my snarl was what he was referring to. "Come on, let's go." Damon placed an arm around Elena's shoulders and they began to walk off down the road in the direction I would be taking as soon as they were out of sight.

Caroline's P.O.V

I was really desperate to tell someone about Jeremy and that girl. I didn't know who. I couldn't talk to Bonnie, I couldn't talk to Elena, Ashleigh didn't know Jeremy too well so her gossiping skills wouldn't be good. I didn't like Lizzy, Sky was like six. I wanted to talk to a girl. Not my Mother, or Tyler's. Lacey was my last option as I circled her name on the list of females living in the house with us.

I strolled down the main hallway with my blonde curls bouncing around my shoulders until I found Lacey's bedroom. Lacey was extremely organised and helpful by having a sign reading "Lacey and Sky" on their bedroom door. If Jeremy had had one of those signs then I wouldn't even need to go and see Lacey right now.

I politely knocked on the door, my daylight ring making more of a higher pitched known than my fingers. The door handle slid down and Lacey opened the door in a dressing gown and towell.

"Oh, sorry! I just needed some girly advice." I sighed, Lacey didn't look embarrassed at all. She stepped aside with a smile and let me into the bedroom.

"What's up?" She asked, sitting on her bed and propping herself up against the head board. I sat down next to her and sighed again.

"I just don't know what to do. I normally know what to do... And right now, I'm clueless." I began to explain.

"What do you need help with?" She looked slightly concerned.

"You know how Bonnie and Jeremy broke up?" I asked, Lacey nodded. "Well, the other day when I was helping Elena get to bed whilst she was drunk... I accidentally walked into Jeremy's room thinking it was Elena's and Damon's room and... Ugh. I was Jeremy kissing another girl, I don't know who she was. I'm guessing she's probably a girl from school or something but... I don't know who to talk to about this because I can't talk to Bonnie about this for obvious reasons and Elena... I just don't really want to talk to her about how her little brother is a massive scumball." I finished explaining. Lacey stared at me in silence, she didn't even look like she was thinking about how to reply to me. Her expression was blank.

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