Chapter 7

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Damon's P.O.V

Were they seriously telling me that Pricilla was alive? Pricilla Grayson was a vampire? How or when did this happen and why am I only hearing about this now! 

"Okay... This is too much." I mumbled and walked out of my newly founded children's room. I stormed down the corridor and grabbed the nearest leather jacket of mine that I'd kept dangling by its collar on a peg. 

"Dad!" Ricky shouted after me, Lizzy running not too far behind him.

"It's waaay too soon to call me that. I'll be back later." I replied with a monotone voice and opened the front door, closing it behind me and hopping into my car. As I started up the engine, many different thoughts and memories passed through my mind. I was... Scared, in a way I guess. Scared that my whole life was about to change for better and for worse at the exact same time. 

I know it may not seem like it, but I have always wanted a family. I just thought having Stefan was enough, but now I realise that all this time I've secretly craved more than just my brooding younger brother living in my house. I was the father to two children that have been alive for one-hundred and forty-nine years without me even being aware of it. It made me feel weird, and slightly uncomfortable. Not only this, but knowing Pricilla was still alive also creeped me out a little... I kept having these awkward and awful thoughts in my mind of her walking into the boarding house as beautiful as ever and trying to start a "happy family" with Lizzy, Ricky and I. The vision of her making us all dinner every night made me shiver a little. I guess I didn't mind having two children, I needed to know more about them first. But... I was practically ripping my hair out at the fact that Pricilla Grayson could quite possibly still be walking this Earth as an undead member of the human population.

Of all the people from my past that could still be alive... I'd much rather someone like my Father or Dr. Whitmore himself. Not Pricilla. 

As I drove along the empty road at aproximately nine in the morning, my head began to de-cloud itself of all the ugly and unwanted thoughts I'd had floating around in there. Thank god. This morning had been eventful and quite frankly... Frightening for me. I had no idea how to be a father, I couldn't treat my kids the way my father had done with me... And that was all I'd known as a human. So why was I a father now? I wanted to be one, but I didn't deserve to be one... I wasn't experienced. I had no idea how to treat two kids. God... Great, just after I'd started to calm down, my own children were scaring me.

I stopped off at the edge of the road, walking through the long grass and into the field that was on the left of the road. I felt sick. I kept walking. And walking, and walking, until I found myself no longer walking on the thick, long grass. I'd walked onto the road again, the same road I'd intended to follow to get to the same destination I was at right now. Wickery Bridge, the best place for me to clear my head, I enjoyed looking over the edge of the bridge and into the almost clear stream running underneath. It gave me a feeling of peace, a hint of happiness too. 

Elena's P.O.V

I rolled off of the bed for the second time today, deciding to start again. My feet hit the floor, and I could already feel my head spinning a little bit. I was way to hungover to deal with Damon and this mystery girl. Groaning, I dragged my feet along the floor and down the hallway until I found the living room. Ricky was pacing back and forth, whilst Lizzy had her hands behind her head with an expression on her face that made her look like she wanted to slam her head against the wall.

"Hey." I smiled at them, trying to lighten the mood. Or, whatever mood this was.

"Elena do you know where Damon goes when he's upset? Or angry?" Ricky questioned me.

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