chapter 4: moving in and being official

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Regulus POV

I woke up in my boxers with someone wrapped around me.

I jumped a little before realizing who it was. Then I panicked again not knowing if I had forgotten we had sex or not.

"Hey James, did we um you know..last night cause I don't remember and I'm a virgin so I should at least remember my first and-" he cut me off by kissing me.

"Don't worry we didn't do anything. I just took your robes off and didn't bother putting any clothes back on you. Sorry for making you panic. But don't worry baby Black you're still a virgin" he said getting up.

"You know I don't mind if I'm not, especially if you were the one to take it from me, I just want to remember it" I said walking up to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him slowly.

"Regulus get up breakfast is soon"Narcissa said banging on the door.

"Go without me, I'll catch up later" I shouted back, leaving the kiss and returning back to it seconds later.

James and I started getting more and more heated till he ran out of breath and started having an asthma attack.

I panicked and he left to the bathroom. He said a spell and summoned his inhaler.

"Sorry about that" he said walking out of the bathroom.

"Don't apologise! I'm the one who should be sorry for not letting you breath!" I said hugging him.

"I'm okay Reggie, really. But you should get up to breakfast before they get suspicious. Now go get dressed mr.Black" James said laughing a little.

I pecked his lips quickly and walked to my closet and got dressed.

When I walked out he had gotten his robes from yesterday back on and had most is his body invisible from the cloak.

We walked out of my room after I opened the windows to air it out. We walked through the crowded common room and out the door.

I walked to the great hall and he went back up to Gryffindor tower.

I planned on going to Grimmauld place later today during our Hogsmead trip. I knew my parents were going to be out since Sunday was the weekly meetings for death eaters.

At 3pm everyone left. Once in Hogsmead I found James and we went to the shrieking shack together. The other Marauders had stayed back because of Remus.

We got there and James went to the room upstairs and made the bed and set out food for the werewolf later tonight.

He apparated me to Grimmauld place and we went in together.

It was completely empty until I saw Kreacher, all beat up.

I motioned for Kreacher to not make any noise and he just nodded and left.

James and I left to my room and began packing everything up.

"Leaving as well master Regulus" Kreacher said making me jump.

"Yes Kreacher. Here, you're a free elf" I said handing him an old t-shirt of mine.

He looked surprised before thanking me.

"I'll be re-joining my family now. Thank you Regulus, my good friend." He said before apparating away.

"Well that was emotional" James said almost sobbing.

I laughed and he threw a pillow at me. We finished packing everything up and I showed him around the house.

As we were done I heard the door open. We went to the room with the family tree and set a note down for my parents.

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