009 | she still did

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there he was. walking towards her. looking calm on the outside, but having a major panic attack on the inside. he felt her presence and she felt his. she was eager to step forward, towards him, but she was too nervous to even move a little bit.

deep inside, she knew she loved him, and he loved her, but she couldn't help but feel so damaged and hurt. she loved him no matter what and she knew there was no way she could stop that. she loved him, but she knew it would be too painful to bear.

looking down at her white nike's, tapping her foot, she felt the distance between her and the person who hurt her most decrease with every second. she could hear sobbing coming from across her. it broke her heart. her heart that had already been broken many times before still managed to break a little more at the sound of her ex boyfriend.

"charlotte." the sad sobs continued.

it wrecked him inside too. even though she didn't know that, he felt miserable inside.

miserable because he lost her. miserable because he let the most important thing in his life go. miserable because it was all his fault. miserable because he loved her so much. so much.

"timmy." a now sobbing charlotte replied to him with a sad, soft voice.

"i missed you so damn much. you literally have no idea, timmy. i feel like i'm not complete without and it's killing me inside. i miss you so much. literally every second of every day i had to bear without you i felt like i couldn't breathe. i-i just love you so much, timothée."

the two were like two pieces of a puzzle. they needed each other. even after all the fights, they still loved each other. by now, both of their eyes were stained red because of all the salty tears escaping their eyes.

timothée looked in her hazel colored eyes and slowly, but consensually took her hands in his.

"i love you too, charlotte. i love you so fucking much. and i can't even explain how much i fucking hate myself because of what i did. i literally cry myself to sleep at night, because i know i messed up the best thing that's ever happened to me in my whole life. i will literally do anything just to see or talk to you again. anything. i-i just don't wanna lose you again. never. i will never hurt you, i swear. just... please give me a chance at this, im begging you. i love you."

charlotte was astonished. it was all she wanted to hear from him after all those weeks without him. i was what she thought about every day. a part of her felt happy again. like she could actually trust him again. and she wanted to hold on to that. she just wanted to be happy.

she smiled. she realized that what she heard was already enough for her. she didn't want to move on. she didn't want closure. she wanted to be with him. for the rest of her life. she was gonna give him a chance. not only for him, but for her too.

"let's sit down here, order the usual, talk about our day and be happy for a moment like we used to be." charlie suggested, hoping he wouldn't take the second chance for granted.

and then he smiled. because that was all he wanted to hear. he wanted to go back to the way things were. he wanted to go back to simple moments like going to the cafe. he wanted to go back to the moment where they realized they loved each other. he loved her and wanted her to love him again.

but little did he know, she still did.

𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟𝐟, timothée chalamet     Where stories live. Discover now