Chapter 20

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Here goes. It's gonna be one hell of a reunion. I took my bags and walk into the Mikaelson home. The first person to greet me was Keira. She hugged me very tight and I embraced her as well with a chuckle. I dropped my bag while hugging her. It was loud enough to gather everyone in the square.

"Look who's back!", Kol spoke up and I chuckle again. Keira lets go of me and the next person to hug me is Keelin. "How are you?", she asks as we hug. I pulled away and smiled to her softly. "I'm alright. Thanks to you, I have a new family", I told her and she hug me once more. Rebekah and Freya were next. "Ah, the Mikaelson sisters", I motioned them to hug me and they happily did.

"I'm glad you found happiness, Rebekah. Freya, how's Nik? Giving you trouble?", I ask the oldest and she laughed. "Yeah, but he's still learning to walk", she informed and I nodded. I turn to look at Davina. "You still mad?", I ask the witch and she shook her head. "I understood why you had to leave. I'm just glad your okay", she hugs as soon as I walk towards her. After Kol, Marcel hugs me and that leads to a woman that I never thought I'd see again.

"Best for last, I see", Alex snarked and I scoffed. "You got you're wish, you're happy ending. Dad thinks your dead", I shrugged and she sighed. She pulled me in and hugged me tight. "Is good to see you kid", she whispers and I nod. "I missed you too, Alex," I told her and she happily let out tears. We pull apart and wiped out tears. "So", I clapped my hands. "What do you need, Arin?", Kol ask.

"My pack is in danger. There are two rougue vampire and a witch hunting down wolves. Descendants of the three remaining original packs which includes mine", I got righ to it to which Kol and Marcel folded their arms. "After the whole fiasco with the school, I reunited with my pack. I've also decided to join The Crescents and The Luna pack with mine", I look to Keelin and her face dropped to the floor.

"Who's going to be the Alpha?", Alex asked. "I am", I responded which made Keelin look at me and have her eyes sparkle with Hope just like my aunt. "I've avoided my duties long enough. It's time I stepped up and protect my family.", I stood my ground. Marcle pats my back and nodded to me. "Again I ask, what do you need from us, Wolfie?", Kol used my nickname and I laughed.

"I need help from you. All of you. From the years I've spent with each one of you, I know that you've accepted me into always and forever and I need you to return the promise you made for me", I ask them and they nod. "Whatever you need, Arin", Davina chips in. "We owe you our lives", Rebekah adds. "You know, I'll never leave you hanging", Marcel joins in.

"You were always my favourite Salvatore anyways, wolfie and still is", Kol sarcastically adds to which my aunt fake hurt. "I'm choosing to ignore that but yeah, I'm always with you, kid. Family is everything", Alex smiled to me. "Okay, come on, I'm hungry. We can talk and catch up during dinner. I've had a long flight", I sighed and carried my bags back and head upstairs to my old room.

As I was unpacking, I heard knocking and turn around. It is Alex. "So you reunited with your pack, huh?", she pointed out and I nod. "Yeah. Thanks to Keelin. They're amazing", I responded. "I can tell you're still mad at me", she adds and I scoffed. "You left Dad and I alone. I understand why but you could've at least told us why. Instead of telling Rebekah that you died? There was no funeral to go to, instead you left Dad and I to mourn you with no words to say goodbye. Then years later, you came to me and needed help. I helped you and Rebekah and I'm glad you have you're happy ending but seriously Alex, you could have at least told us why. You know I keep my promises but the one you made me promise, hurts", I, confronted and she came closer to me.

"I know, I know and I am very grateful for all the thing you've done but I'm better off dead, Arin. You know this. Your dad, doesn't care of my existence. He made that clear once I proposed to Rebekah - But he still loves you!", I cut her off. "Dad still keeps your car in the garage, hoping that you being dead isn't true. He was so sure. He never stopped loving you, Alex", I brought up. I could tell she felt guilty by the way she tangles with her necklace.

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