Chapter 26

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Arin's POV

Damn, the spell hurt like a bitch. It felt like my blood was set afire. I open my eyes carefully and saw Leah, sleeping peacefully in my arms. I tried to move my free hand but it stung bad. I move my head carefully and place a kiss on Leah's forehead.

I could that that action woke her up as she stirr awake. Just as she open her eyes, she gasps and hug me tight. "L-leah? I can't b-breath, l-luv", I held in the pain around my body. She quickly apologise and got off my body. "W-Where's Emmy?", I ask her then, cough out and groan as the pain sets in.

"She's either sleeping or with the twins, I suppose. Do you want me to get Freya?", she asks and I shook my head. I tried to move my hands but it hurts so bad. "W-water", I plead her and she quickly ran to the table and pour me a drink. I wanted to use the link with the pack to call for help but everytime I do something, it stings like crazy.

"L-leah", I call her out and she ran to me with the drink. I could feel a shed of tear fall to my cheeks. She put the glass near me and took a small straw for it to reach my lips. I suck the water from the straw and swallowed it slowly. The straw soon got out of my mouth and I stop trying. "Alright, I'll be right back. I'm going to get Freya", Leah stood up, away from the bed and I couldn't protest due to the pain.

I let out a long groan with a small cry. "S-stay, p-please", I look at her with hot tears in my eyes. "Hey Leah - Oh my, Arin!", Keira came in and gasps as she saw me awake. "Go get Freya", Leah told her and she quickly runs off to get her. "It hurts, doesn't it?", she asks as she wipes my tears away. I couldn't nod my head so I carefully said yes.

Not a minute later, Freya rushes in along with my dad, Lexie and my kids. "Leah, help me", Freya says as she walks to my side. She took my left side while Leah stayed on my right. Both place a hand in my back and under my legs to make sure I don't fall. Carefully, they lifted me up and I scream out loud. "It's alright, Arin. You're okay", Lexie says to me.

When the two of them are done letting me sit upright, Lexie hand a piece of cloth to Leah so, she could wipe my tears away. "What are the side effects again?", Leah question the two witches. "As of now, she should feel like her body is being burnt alive or every movement of hers will sting", Freya points out and my tears kept on pouring out. "I-it h-hurts, Freya", I look at her and her eyes soften as she could see the pain in my eyes.

"I know, Arin but you have to push through. This is just the first side effect of the spell. You're doing a great deal, sacrificing yourself so, we'd have more time", Freya brush a small amount of my hair to the back of my ear and I let out another groan. "Mama?", I heard my daughter's voice and I look at her along with the twins.

"Em-Emmy", I put on a small smile. Leah moved aside so the kids could have space for them to sit next to me. Emilia is the closest. I push against the pain and kiss the top of her head. "Μητέρα, you need rest", I couldn't help but smile at Asherah. "Y-you called me your mother", I point out which made then girl blush deeply. "Well, you are our mother. Is that okay?", Skyler asks.

I look at Lexie and she gave me a small nod. "It's more than okay", I let out a chuckle but then, cough out. "Mama!", the kids yell to which Lexie and Leah held them back. A couple seconds later, the whole group came by. "ARIN!!", everyone yells.

Laura, Davina, Ambrose, Prudence and the rest of the Spellmans crowd around the bed while the others stood back. "Drink this, luv", Ambrose hands me a cup of something. A potion, maybe. Freya and Laura both help me stable my body. Ambrose held the cup and raise it as I swallow it.

After I swallow it all, Ambrose remove the cup and I cough up. Laura stroke my back to help me soothe the liquid. "W-what was that?", I ask which then, I realise that it didn't hurt anymore. My eyes widen and soon hug Ambrose. He was taken aback by the hug but hugs me back and sighs in relief. When we pull back he explained how the potion was made and how Helda helped.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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