Chapter 19

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I woke up and felt a smaller figure in my arms. I opened my arms and saw Emilia nuzzling close to my chest. Leah's head was on top of hers and I thought it looked cute. How I wish I had a family of my own as well.

You do know I can read your mind right? - Seth
Shit, I forgot. Forget what I just thought of
No, no, no, I think we should have a chat about that later
I can't run away, huh?
Don't think of it, Arin. Now, get up and make some breakfast for the girls. I'm downstairs

I shook my head and slowly took back my hand that was under both girls. I gave each of them a kiss on their forehead and put the blanket over the two. I smiles to myself and walk out to meet Seth in the kitchen.

When I reached, he smile at me and greets me good morning. I said the same thing to him and asked what he was gonna cook and the agenda for today. "I'm making sausages and pancakes. We have a meeting tonight but this time to redo our tradition that talked about last night. You have your first patrol with Emilia since the full moon is tonight. Leah, Jared and Ashley will follow along. The boys and I have some things to do with our families", he responds and had me the cooked pancakes for me to put them on the dining table. "I have to teach her how to control, huh?", I asked and he nods at me.

We continued on to cook dinner and eventually, the question of my relationship with Leah came up. "Listen, I know you've lost one of your imprints once and literally lost control of your alpha wolf but Leah's different. I watched her be unhappy for so long. I just want to know if you're really up for that kind of intimacy again. You know, with what you thought of this morning and saying you want to take things slow with her. Can I trust you to not hurt my sister? ", he said in all seriousness.

I sighed and dropped my head to look down. "I'm not sure myself, Seth. Look, it's not fun being the most powerful wolf ever to exist and not to mention be a witch and a vampire at the same time but I can promise that I'm going to protect them with my life", I told him but he shook his head. "That's not what I asked, Arin", he says before going back up with a plate of food for Ray and I was left with my thoughts. Am I ready for such a commitment? The last time I tried to to have something normal, my own best friend killed my child and the woman who was supposed to be the love of my life.

"Arin?", I heard a soft voice upstairs and turn to see Emilia rubbing her eyes. "Hey kiddo, did I wake you?", I ask and she shook her head. "You were thinking and I'm starting to realise that you kept forgetting that we could hear your thoughts", Emilia said. "So I did wake you up", I joked trying to get her to forget my thoughts. "Is it really true that your best friend killed your family?", she carefully but carefully asked. I smiled sadly to her and motioned her to come closer to me.

She gladly rant to me which made me hold her close. "I have been through a lot the last few decades but you have to remember, little one", I bend down to meet her height. "Everyone has gone through the darkest points of their lives. I was unlucky the first time. Yes, I found the love of my life and we were supposed to have a daughter but life changes. The bright side is that I found Leah and my pack. Plus, you, Emilia. I know you're new to all of this but ever since I saw you in that woods, I couldn't help but feel protective of you. So, is it possible, if you'd let me be your guardian?", I explained then proceeded to ask the question that I've been wanting to ask her.

Her eyes lit up and immediately buried herself into my stomach. She may be a teenager but she's very short. "I'll take that as a yes then?", I ask and she nods aggressively. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! I would love for you to be my guardian. I trust you with my life, Arin", she expressed her excitement. Ray, Leah and Seth came soon enough to the living room and saw her hugging me tight. "I'm guessing she said yes", Leah question and I nod.

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