Crime Fighting and Relationships

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"We wanna be heroes too, you know." Connor said.

"How about now?" Reyna said.

"What?" Everybody asked.

"Bank robbery. 101 Market Street." Reyna said. "Went a bit haywire. They're holding hostages."

"How on earth do you know you that?" Thomas asked.

"I-" Reyna stopped and thought. "I really don't know. There's just... this little voice in my head..."

"I can send out fake news. You can receive real and actual news." Aether said. "Apparently. The whole opposite thing is still going on."

"Oh." Reyna said. "You can send the cloaks last time, do you think I can summon it?" She asked Aether.

"Uh- It's worth a shot." Aether shrugged. "Come on. Try."

Reyna closed her eyes and breathed. She snapped the fingers, as a pile of cloaks appeared in front of her.

"Okay who's going?" Leo asked, as he put on his cloak.

"Us." The Stolls said, as they took two cloaks.

"Well you're not leaving me." Katie said, as she took a cloak.

"Not leaving me either." Bianca said. Nico went wide eyed, but before he could object, Hazel had already put her hand over his mouth.

"You wanna go?" Chris asked Clarisse.

"A chance to beat up some mortals? Why not." Clarisse said, as Chris handed her a cloak, before putting on one himself.

"Charlie? You coming?" Silena asked as she strapped herself into the cloak.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Beckendorf said.

"Thomas? You wanna go?" Sophie asked.

"Sure." He said.

"Sunshine?" Leo asked expectedly.

"Okay." Calypso sighed. "I'll go."

"You guys aren't seriously doing this." Annabeth said. "This is a terrible idea. You could get caught! We were supposed to be under cover."

"Chill Annabeth." Thalia said. "Other demigods can't pull each other's hoods off, much less mortals."

"They won't get caught." Luke said. "It's all fine."

"Yeah. It's for a good cause." Jason said.

"But-" Annabeth said. "Well there's twelve of them. There were only ten of us."

"So? They all have different letters anyway." Alex said.

"She's right. They're going to figure it out either way." Nico said.

"But-" Annabeth said. "The police can deal with this. Since when do we handle mortal affairs?" She exclaimed.

"Since they needed our help." Hazel said.

"Trust them Annabeth." Frank said. "Even if the police can deal with this, you can't be too cautious."

"This is a bad idea." Annabeth said. "Chiron! Tell them this is a bad idea."

Chiron, who was silently reading behind his desk, leaving his students to their weekly free demigod time, looked up and blinked.

"I'm sorry Annabeth. But I'm just your teacher." Chiron said. "I trained you. But I don't control what you do with that ability."

Annabeth looked scandalized. The other twelve was already set to go. Percy wrapped Annabeth around his arm, and pulled her back.

"Annabeth. Relax." Piper said. "They're going to be fine. They're just saving a couple of lives."

For Us DemigodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora