Ryan and I met eyes and nodded, "Snowball fight!" I declared packing a small but mighty fistful of snow right at the back of Harry's head. 

An hour later it was dark and the four of us traipsed up to the castle, soaking wet and freezing cold. 

"Granger I am never going to forgive you if I end up with a cold from this," moaned Ryan stomping her boots clean of snow before going in the main doors.

"When's this party anyway?" I asked before we parted ways.

"Tomorrow night," Harry smirked. 

I stared at him, "Tomorrow night? You had how many days to ask us and you ask us the night before?" 

They both laughed, "Well we were just going to go alone to save anyone the effort of having to converse with Slughorn but he told us we had to bring an outsider."

I scowled, "We'll see you tomorrow then," And Ryan and I ran to the dungeons as fast as possible.

We changed and showered in the hottest water but we were still cold to the bone so we made Crabbe and Blaise give up their seats closest to the fire.

"You going to Slughorn's party tomorrow, Zabini?" I asked pulling my dressing gown tighter to my body.

"How'd you know about it?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"We're going with Hermione and Harry," Ryan answered.

Draco's head snapped up from his place on the couch, "You're still seeing Potter?" he sneered, "God, you must be desperate."

"Ah, yeah, desperate for seeing The Chosen One, I really scraped the barrel with him, didn't I?" I snapped.

"He's not even a good wizard," Draco spat.

"Well, when you defeat You Know Who as an infant, you can say that, but for now Malfoy, please do be quiet."

Draco's face fell. Recently he'd been in the common room less and less, returning late in the evening. I had wondered for a split second if he'd been seeing a secret girl but then I remembered who I was thinking about and told myself to cop on.

Harry and Hermione met us at the base of the stairs the next evening to go to the party. Again, Harry looked pretty cute but I wasn't going to tell him that. The Boy Who Lived didn't need anymore ego boosting.

The party was lively and full of professors and students alike. I saw Valentine and Ginny and waved but they both blanked me, leaving me red faced with embarrassment. 

"Don't mind those two," Hermione reassured me, giving my hand a squeeze. 

The party was pretty good but I did notice Harry was pretty distracted and he didn't ask me to dance. Anytime I'd ask him a question he'd ask me to repeat myself and then would reply with a vague "yeah".

I was becoming fed up of this so I left him standing in the corner and went to find Ryan and Hermione but the place was so crowded that I couldn't find them. I did, however find Draco. He was sulking in the corner after being dragged out by Filch. Slughorn had insisted he stay though as he knew Draco's family. It appeared that Draco wasn't too pleased by this invitation.

"Shit party," I said standing beside him. Draco looked at me but didn't reply.

"Why'd you come?" I asked.

"Thought I'd come see who Blaise brought, he wouldn't tell me," he lied, no emotion in his voice. 

Silence fell between us and then, "Where's Saint Potter then?" 

I shrugged, "He bored me."

Draco smirked but didn't say anything. 

"I need some air," I said heading to the corridor and to my surprise, Draco followed.

The corridor was empty and I slouched against the wall beside one of Filch's closets.

"Ginny wait!" I heard a familiar voice call as Slughorn's door opened again and Draco pulled me into Filch's closet.

"Draco what-"

"Sh! Listen"

The closet was tiny and there was barely enough room for a bucket and mop in here let alone two 16 year olds but I shut my mouth and listened.

Outside the door I could hear the familiar voice yell at Ginny to stop walking away.

"Ginny I'm only talking to her so I can figure out what Malfoy's up to! Please stop, listen to me."

My heart sank. I knew it was Harry but I didn't want to believe it. Draco stiffened beside me. There really was no one I'd have hated more to be with me in this situation but, of course, it had to happen to me.

"Harry you need to let that go! You've nearly ruined what we have for this!" cried Ginny. I could tell she was crying but I didn't feel sorry, not one bit. I felt Draco hold me back, he shook his head at me, "wait."

"You can't believe I'd actually like a Slytherin can you?" he said, his voice softening, I pictured him taking Ginny's hands and my rage was too much for Draco to hold back.

I pushed the door open nearly hitting the two with the door. I grabbed Harry by his shirt collar and pushed him up against the stone wall and jabbed my wand into his chest.

"Want to say that again, Potter?" I snarled, my tone surprising even me.

Harry was pale, "Fiadh, I-"

"Don't say another word " I spat, turning away from him. Then I saw Ginny's stupid smirk and I couldn't hold myself back, I whirled around faster than you could say Quidditch and hit him square in the jaw.

"Fuck you," I said, spitting on his shoes for good measure. 

I was half way down the hall when I heard Draco say, "What did you just say you dirty blood traitor?" I turned around to see Malfoy shoot a blue flash of light at Ginny.  Then Draco turned to walk in my direction, stupidly putting his back to Harry. Luckily I saw the spell coming before it could do any harm.

"Protego!" I yelled placing a shield in front of Draco and I. 

When Draco realised what had happened he nearly went back for a second round but I grabbed him by his jumper and dragged him away.

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