Chapter Twenty-two

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Strong language and brutality!
Lawrence's pov

As soon as I heard Adam's dad yelling at him, I found out something was wrong.

“Excuse me, I'll help my boyfriend out.” I said and followed Adam to the garden.

“...Adam?” I called out.

“Yeah?” He looked at me, with a cigarette in his hand.

I sighed. “I thought we talked about the smoking.”

I don't want to be there with them anymore.”

“Your.. Dad wasn't the nicest to you.” I whispered.

“He's my step father. My dad ran away when I was younger.”

“Oh.. I'm sorry..” I felt sorry for him. All those years he was alone while his family wasn't even there for him.

“I know there's something more... But tell me when you're ready” I kissed his hair and placed his head to my chest, stroking his back.

He sighed. “He abused me.”

My heart jumped up.

W---What? What do you mean, abused? Like-- yelling? He was yelling at you??” I got nervous.

“I wish it was just that” Adam took a deep breath. “He was hitting me”

“Adam..” I looked worriedly at him.

“Oh my fucking god!” I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.

Why? Why him? He's so sweet. He doesn't deserve this.

Then I heard he started to cry.

He started crying in my arms.

That broke my heart.

“Shh” I swinged with him a bit. “But they won't hurt you anymore. I'm here with you.” I tried to calm him down.

I still heard him sniff and I realized that... I'm the only one he told this to.

He was having this inside him for all those years.

I put my head on top of his.

Don't cryyy” I hummed. “Crying doesn't suit you, you know that?”

He kept quiet.

I sighed. “Do you know what suits you? When you laugh. Or smile.” I tried to cheer him up.

He squeezed my shirt.

I sighed again. “I wish I could be the one making you smile.”

He slowly looked at me.

“What?” I blushed a tiny bit.

He smiled and took my cheeks, giving me a kiss.

...I stared at him.

What was that for?”

For making me smile” Adam stroked my cheek.

He's so adorable.

What is it?! Where's your sister, Adam?!”

I gasped, and so did Adam.

“I don't know, I just came---” He panicked.

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