Chapter Six

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Adamʼs pov

I could not shake the feeling that something is about to happen tonight.

Whenever I thought about it; I thought about something happening between me and Lawrence, and it made me high chested.

Are we gonna fight? Why would we fight? Are we gonna move on? What does he feel? Am I ready to met new people?

Get yourself together, Stanheight.
Live a little.

I took a deep breath, looking at myself in a mirror. I haven't got any better clothes tonight than a t-shirt and jeans, that were either way bigger.

I'm going
I'm going

For Lawrence

Because I want to spend every single second with him. Because I feel like it.

Why do I feel like it?

Fuck, why do I feel like this?!”

I screamed and pushed the table.

I'm mad. Why? Why I'm mad?

Damn, I'm so confused.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone.. I called Lawrence.. I felt bad.
I'm a coward
I somehow felt bad and scared, because I felt something is gonna happen.

“Hello, Adam?”

“Hey, Lawrence.”

I heard him grin.

“Ready to go?”

“Actually... I-I feel kinda bad, I shouldn't go.”

“How bad?”

He cares
He cares...
Lawrence cares about me.
It makes me want to cry.

“Um, nothing bad. My head hurts. I've a fever.”

“That's fine, okay, do you have painkillers or something?”


“It's fine, I'll buy them for you.”

“What? No no no, it's totally fine, you don't have to--”

“I want to. I'll be there in a few.”

Lawrence, wait--”

He hung up.

I sighed and panicked for a while. I mean, I saw him just a few hours ago, but I felt like being nervous seeing him again.. You know that feeling? Butterflies are all around my stomach and that's not what I wanted, to be nervous.

What's he doing to me?

The problem was, I wasn't feeling bad. I hadn't got a fever. I was alright, I just had a bad feeling and I'm a coward to go.

That's when I heard Door knocking.

Oh fuck! My apartment is such a mess!

I blushed and ran around trying to clean up whatever was laying on the floor, I was embarrassed.

Another knocking.

I'm coming!” I screamed.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. I knew my hair was messy and my cheeks extremely red. And when I saw him, they were redder.

He smiled.

“Hey, You look--”

“Um, I know, you don't have to say it.” I cut him off, embarrassed.

“I'm sorry” he chuckled, and I did too.

He gave me a bag, a little bag and I surprisedly looked at it.

“What's that?” I asked.

“That's Pills... And things that are supposed to make you feel better.”

I stand there, mouth opened.

He looks at me, and I bit my lip- not teasingly I just did it!

“O-Oh-- You didn't have to. How much is it? I already told you I'm broke-”

“Keep it, it's for free. It's.... From me.”

Why do I feel such a tension between us?

I smiled when I looked up at him and Took the bag with both of my hands. He made me feel better by his presence.

“Thank you, Lawrence.”

“You're welcome.. How do you feel now? I don't feel like going there without you.” He said and laughed.

I grinned and ducked my lips.

“hmm.. Maybe I would go if you're scared.”

I'm not scared.”

“Alright, I'm the one scared.” I admitted shyly.

“..Why?” He asked, gently. He was always so careful with me, I liked it.

“I don't know.. It's just-- I never wanted to meet new people.. Look at where I live.” I said embarrassed and looked into his blue eyes.

They were unforgettable.

“Look at me.” I whispered.

“Well, I am, right now.” He said in a confident voice. And reached for my arm, rubbing it.

It made my heart jump up. What did he say?

Our eyes met right now because he looked at me as well, his hand was still placed on my arm. Then I began to feel my heart beat going quicker when his hand Slid up my arm, to my shoulder, to my cheek.

When he stops his fingers on my cheek, everything goes oddly quiet, like the moment of silence between lightning and thunder.

And I felt it. I didn't care about anything else.

Damn it, we know each other for few days, yet I still freeze when he does something like this.

I just closed my eyes and felt he was about to pull me close, I bite my lip, from the need I never felt before.

What's gotten into me?

The phone is ringing.. It's Lawrence's phone.

I open my eyes and I am back again.

He takes his phone and looks at it.

“It's one of the guys there.. Are you going or not?”

He asked like if nothing happened-- and I acted like that too. It was too awkward. I was too awkward.

“Well.. I'm going to look there, I guess. I don't have anything to do.” I said.

Why did I said that?? This is going to be the most awkward ride ever!

“Phew, alright” He smiled, I can say he's nervous.

Then I followed him to the car.
What's gonna happen At the party? Is jigsaw coming for you? What's the feeling Adam's having?

To. Be. Continued!

-Love, Rita.

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