Chapter Eleven

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Ahoooj! Well--- you know! Strong language!

Lawrence's pov

When I left the hotel room, I went straight home.

I was just sitting and texting with Adam; plus he made me blush.

We didn't have any emergency in hospital, so that's why I was at home.

"Get your ass up and help me do at least something, Larry!" Alison angrily growled at me.

I sighed, looking up from my phone.

"Leave me alone, Ali. I don't have time for fights."

"Are you kidding??" She scoffs "You never have time for fights! You always say how happy you're with me in front of Diana, and that's a complete lie. I hate that you're lying to your daughter!" She screamed

I sighed.

"And by the way! I don't even know what are you doing! You're always with someone else than us! Maybe you're cheating on me! I---"

"You're right, I did cheat on you." I said from such madness that boiled inside of me.

I never understood how this woman talked so much! But it made me angry.

I didn't mean to say That out loud.

She frowned and gasped.

"Great. Just great. I'm not surprised. And you know what! I don't love you anymore-----"


I quickly turned around and saw my daughter almost crying. I sighed and looked at Alison, before going down and rubbing her arm.

Diana looked up at Alison and walked to her.

I was kinda confused.

"We're going to sleep at my parents until I get here for stuff."

"What? What are you saying, Alison?"

"Go, sweetie, grandpa is waiting for you." She said to Diana and then my daughter left.

I felt kinda heartbroken. Why would Alison do this to me?

"What did you tell her?" I stood up.

"I told her to not talk with you anymore."

I scoffed. "She's a kid, Alison! Damn it! Why would you say that?!"

"You're not a good father for her at all." She said and left.

I stood there and suddenly my eyes filled with tears.

Not because of Her. But because of the little child she's causing hard life.

I need to calm down. Right now.

So I grabbed the closest jacket and went outside of the house.

I was walking threw the City, tears falling down my face.

Will I be, at least, seeing my daughter? Will she be okay?

I frowned. I couldn't stand this feeling. The guilt. I have to.. I feel like I have to tell Adam about that I have a family.

But I don't want to.

If they leave, I don't want Adam to know, probably.

But.. Why do I care so much about what he'll feel?

Is it because I just really don't want to hurt him? Is it because he's actually the only one making me smile? Making me feel hight chested?

Making me feel alive?

I blushed a tiny bit.

And grabbed my phone. I have to call him. He'll know how to make me feel better.

I pressed on; Adam Stanheight
And then on; call

It was ringing. Ringing. Until he picked up.

"Hello, Law" His cute voice said from the other side of phone.

Man, I'm in love.

I shook my head, trying to get the idea of my head. But what if it's right?

"Hey, Ads." I tried not to seem like I was crying.

Then I accidentally sniffed.

"Are you crying?!" Adam panicked.

"I'm fine.. Do you have time?" I said, quietly.

He was quiet for a second.

"O-of course! Where are you?"

"at the Square."

"It's dark!" He panicked again

"I know..."

"I'll come for you... Do you want to go to my place for a while then??"

"Sure, Adam, calm down" I smiled.

"No, I really never heard you cry."

"see you" I Said.

He hanged up.

I put the phone to my pocket. Then sighed.

He really cares for me, right? He wouldn't panic, right?....
He likes me... Right?

I took a deep breath and wanted to sit down, but that's when someone ran in and suddenly hugged me.

And I didn't see his face, but knew it was Adam, because I knew his perfume.

Is this how being loved feels?

I hugged him back.

"You're an idiot." I whispered to him.

Adam breathed out. And smiled.

I love feeling him in my arms.
Lawrence's going to Adam's apartment! Wooo! What's gonna happen? :3

See you in another ep! Byeee


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