26. Second Meeting

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The work has been going great. I didn't need to go and check. My assistant gave me reports everyday. But today, I just thought of making sure whether Mr. Morris likes it or not. I have not visited his building yet. I had a lot of work. It's interesting at the same time very tiring. But what if he has a bad impression on me. Because I did not  go to check up even once. I don't delay any further and go straight to his office.
I am told that he is in a meeting. Early in the morning. But what if he is enjoying with his assistant. Oh god, why does it bother me. As soon as I am allowed to go, I rush towards his office room. Ok, calm down lena. I knock on the door and hear a ' come in'. Oh, my insides are melting already. I push open the door gently. He is wearing a white suit. And God, I have no words to describe him. He is looking down, reading some reports. His elbow is on the table and he is holding a pen. Suddenly he looks up and motions me to sit infront of him. No greetings.
" Good morning Mr. Morris. I am sorry I have been late on my visit. I just came here to check up on the work. I hope I did not disturb you"

He gently smiles at me " I am glad you came here. And no, you did not disturb me. Everything is going well. I was just waiting for you"

He sounds sad. Did I upset him?

" I guess you are getting a bad impression on me. I am really sorry -"

" No Elena, you should not be sorry. I have been busy too. And if you had come here then, I guess we wouldn't have time to talk to each other"
I nodd. We further discuss about the work. How he is handling. I am quiet impressed. We drink coffee and chat for sometime.
I notice he is looking directly into my eyes. As if he wants to tell me something. You are imagining again. But when I look closely, I find him very familiar. Have we ever met before. I think we have. I feel like I know him already. Just I cannot remember.

" Well, then everything has settled. So I guess I will leave now. Mr Morris?" he seemed to be deep in thought.

He looked at me and smiled a little. " I don't think we need to be formal anymore. Just like I call you Elena, you can call me by my name". He shrugs.

Now I notice even his voice sounds familiar.
" Thats a good thing, but I prefer being formal. Morever I just know your last name. But I won't mind knowing your name."
Oh, how awkward it is.

We stare silently at each other. Comfortable one though. He then smirks. Why all of a sudden do I feel like I have met him before. In my previous lifetime? Or the one who crashed my car during an accident and because of the surgery I don't remember anything?
What am I even thinking. Suddenly he speaks up.

" you can call me Evan. I am sure you know who I am now"

Uh. I - Evan. Like how? How come I did not notice before. Life is full of surprises. He continues.
" I am surprised you don't even remember my name. Did you forget me Elena. I did not expect that. No wonder why you behaved so good to me"

He stands up and comes near me. Almost chest to chest. He really has become taller. I reach his shoulders. He did not change much from the last time I saw him. I was so distracted by his gorgeous face that day, I did not even recognise him first.
His grey steel eyes, which always showed disgust towards me. His pink luscious lips which always insulted me. I remember every thing.
Before I could answer him, we hear a knock. Evan adjusts his suit and opens it. There stands Rosaline with a little revealing short dress. He allowes such dress codes? Not that I will mind. Infact I will be happy if there is something between them apart from boss and employee relationship. Few days back I just wanted to be around him. I kept on dreaming. And at second encounter, I came to know who he truly is.

" Sir, I have got a call from miss  Rossie's assistant. They need her."
After saying this in a seductive manner she turns to me with a cold expression. Now even she doesn't like me.
" it's an emergency miss Rossie."

Without giving him a glance , I rush towards the elevator. Fortunately, they seem to discuss something and I quickly escape.

 Fortunately, they seem to discuss something and I quickly escape

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