2. Day One, And Here I Am

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And the day started with heavy rain. I just don't like it. Every place is wet and muddy. I have very precious memories with rain. Me falling, stumbling, and wounded are the best ones. But the sleep is the best these days. With a hot cup of coffee and a good novel, anyone can fall in love with rain. But not me, because.. Well, I am me so...
Being a troublemaker is one thing, and an utter nuisance is another. From past couple of weeks it's raining.
And you know what is the worst part, seeing some lovey-dovey couples making out. No, I am not against it, but do you even get turned on??.
So for a start, I woke up early. I believe waking up early makes everything right. And then took a long, slow bath with lavender essential oil. The fragrance is amazing. And a typical teen girl's big worry starts from here. Walking inside my walk-in closet, I start searching for an outfit.
And to my luck, I get a white, off the shoulder top which has a small bow in the front paired with dark blue torn jeans. And also got brown boots which has little heels.

My hair was cascading down my shoulders, but decided against it

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My hair was cascading down my shoulders, but decided against it. I put a high pony and no makeup look.
Overall this is my usual. But this time, it's a little revealing. Dressed to impress after all..

I take my bag and go to the kitchen for breakfast. And just then Alison comes and bumps into me.
" sorry, uh. You" she smirks and goes sits on the stool. I have nothing to say. It's a daily thing. She always tries little things to annoy me. And I still love her. My little sister can do anything, and still I cannot get angry at her, because I love her. My little jealousy will never destroy our bond.
I smile and sit next to her.
Sausages and omelette with juice, that's all I eat. My mother has never let me overeat, and I am thankful about it. Whereas my dad is always worried, and tells me to eat more.

" Guess, you should try some more healthy food. Your fat ass is growing" Ali says nonchalantly.
As usual I ignore her. I kiss dad and mom bye and went to the car which Ali and I share.

We reached to our destination after sometime.

So... Yes, I was nervous as hell.. I will meet Alex after a long holiday. And here he comes with other friends.
He looks amazing. My heart beats faster and I get butterflies in the stomach. I have never felt like this before. This is the only confirmation that I want him very much.

He approaches me and smiles brightly. I would have fainted if Aubry hadn't hugged me. I was concentrating so much on Alex that I even forgot about my best friend.

Aubry looks disappointed when I don't hug back. But then after seeing me smile, she relaxes a little.
" hey kiddo, ogling him Ahh" and then I punch her forearm. She can be very louder sometimes. She giggles and I smile brightly.

"Lena, you have changed" Alex says and looks me up and down.
I think I see desire in his eyes, or was it just me. Anyway, I start blushing. He comes near me hugs me. Oh and the goosebumps I get, I love this feeling of him touching me. He slowly looks at me, and sees my dark blush. He shows his seductive grin which I love the most..

" Huh, is someone blushing, I didn't know I had that effect on you" Alex winks at me. I am in complete loss of words.

"nice to meet you too Alex, and honestly you look way more cute"
At last I find my voice.

He looks at me and just smiles. But it still manages to turn my mood off a bit. We could talk for hours, and now, well it's just starting.

We all hear the school bell ring. Alex and Aubry go to their respective classes. They had same class together and I was thankful for having Aubry, she would not let any other chick hit on my Alex.

My first class is biology and I rush towards my class. As I was about to reach, I stumble a little, but thankfully someone's hand saved me from falling flat on my face. I slowly turn to thank my savior and realised, this is the biggest mistake ever.
My savior is none other than Evan Morris.
My worst enemy.
I try not to tear up. He has bullied me from as long as I can remember. He is the one who has fat-shamed me. Laughed at my face and did dirty jokes. I am sure he is one of his kind, a total player. Whenever he looks at me, he always has a disgusted look on his face. And I dislike him. He hasn't tried to physically hurt me, but neither his words were very harsh. Only he set these small insecurities and I started overthinking..

Back to the present, I realised that he has straightened me up and gone to his class. And at this moment, I have never been more confused in my life. Not even a single word, okay good change.

I don't want to spoil my mood anymore. If I have to make a move on Alex, then I need to try hard.

And somehow, I managed to go through the classes and then came the most awaited time, Lunch.
So I fix my dress and makeup, head towards the table where Alex and others are sitting. As I was about to reach the table, someone bumped into me and this time I fell on my knees.
I did not doubt that it was Evan again, how did I expect him to change. But when I got up, I saw my sister Ali and her friends at my table, where I was supposed to sit. She bumped into me. And also sat near Alex.
This girl started to get on nerves real quick.
Aubry came towards me and helped me clean up. We went to the bathroom.

" Lena, you are very careless, I saw you tripping two times today, TWO" she is very caring, but when it came to some silly mistakes, she doesn't keep quiet.

"as if I intentionally fell, wishing Alex to catch me" I murmured.
She looked at me and sighed.
" your sister pushed you, did not accidentally bump, I think something is on her mind lately"

" you think so?" I pursed my lips in thin line and stared into the distance.

"Don't start day dreaming now, we have to attend few more classes. Let's have lunch near the picnic table, I need to talk to you about something" she said. Something is off.

" yeah.... Sure" and then I got out of the bathroom. And the well wisher standing there was Alison. Smirking and tossing her hair to the other side, she went with her minions.

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