3. Trust Me Aubry

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I can never understand Ali. And thinking about her will make me more mad. I grabbed Aubry's hand and we head to the picnic table.
I have never been the one to be patient. Every single thing annoys me. But I keep it to myself. " Think before you speak", this is the only quote I use to shut up. I slowly turn my head towards Aubry and see a grim expression.
I patt the seat next to me, motioning her to sit down. She looks around and sits quickly. She has always been a nervous wreck.
Ugh!!! Why doesn't she start talking, she knows me too well and is testing my patience. I hold her hand and make her look at me.

" you know I don't like waiting, stop sweating.. God, what happened, you don't look well"
I take out some tissue papers and wipe her sweat head..

She looks relieved for some reason.
" I think I am pregnant"

And suddenly I stop, looking at her, shock evident on my face.
I hug her, patt her back.

"hey... I think I am. I am not sure. Morever, we have always used protection" she retorted.

I flinch, and she notices it.
" I was just showing you that I am here to help, you don't need to get angry, nor I am pitying you"

She takes a deep breath
" I know Lena, I am late on my period. You know right, I am just like you, I over think."

She rests her head on my shoulder, and I reply her
"maybe you should take a pregnancy test.
How about I come to your house this evening, for sleepover, you said your mother is out of town.."

She looks at me and a small smile forms in her lips
" that will be good.. I just don't know what will happen"

" listen aub, I will be there for you as always, and the rests depends on you. If the result is positive, then you will take a decision. If you are scared of your mother, remember that she will help you through thick and thin"

I kiss her on cheek and we stay there silently eating our lunch..

Aubry had a boyfriend named Adam. Due to distance they had to break up because it was just a casual thing. Adam visited few weeks back and they must have hooked up.. They parted on good terms and if there's a baby coming and Aubry decides to keep it, I am sure Adam will turn out to be a good dad. He will support her though i dont think they will get back together.
They never took things seriously.

Aubry's mother Claudia, she is a nice single woman. She has been raising Aubry alone since she was born. Aubry's parents never got married. Actually, her dad cheated on his wife with Claudia. He is aware of his daughter and sends money every month.
But her dad's life hasn't been same. He still blames Claudia. And that's why they have distance themselves from him.
I am so happy that Aubry has a nice mother like Claudia.

Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw Alex standing there with a small smile.

" hey, I was waiting for you, you never came back. Thought of checking up on you" he sat beside me.

" yeah.. Actually Aubry and I thought of catching up, you know gossip and all." he nodded..

Ahh, I did not even flirt with him.
We all got up and went to our class. And luckily I had this Class with Alex.

We went inside our class and as usual, Alex sat with me.

" I have seen this nice restaurant near my house, wanna come with me sometime" he said looking at me.

IS HE SERIOUSLY ASKING ME OUT.. Good elena, you didn't even have to work hard. Just act normal.

" yeah sure, we haven't talked much. And I was even thinking the same. I cannot come today because I need to go to Aubry's but then again we can decide...."

He did not even let me finish and started laughing. And I felt like it was some sick joke played by him.
But he proved me wrong

" hey, take it slow okay. I was just asking when you are free. You don't need to be nervous around me " he took a strand of my hair and put it behind my ear..

"uh-huh" I nooded. I am sure my cheeks must be bright red.

And at last school was over. This day wasn't exhausting. I did a great job by putting on this dress.

Soon we reached home. Alison had her dance practice. Oh you know, that leader of some girl band. She flaunts a lot.
Ofcourse I expected her to choose that, and she is pretty good.

I had nothing to do so I scrolled down my Instagram.
I got ready to go to Aubry's. I put a simple summer dress and ballet flats.

I had to stop near a pharmacy. I am sure she did not take any pregnancy kit. I know her. And this lady behind the counter wouldn't stop giving me judgemental looks.

Well... I don't give a fuck about what they think.
I bought three of them and head towards Aubry's house.

I found her laying on the sofa. I gently woke her up. Her eyes were filled with tears and they were puffy. I took her to the room and we waited until she was finally silent.

" believe me Lena, even though you say you all support me, I am scared to death"

"trust me Aubry, we will never leave you. Don't be scared. After some days you will realise that you were such a fool to cry".

I took those pregnancy tests and gave it to her. I gave her a reassuring smile.

We have been waiting for 5 minutes and the result must be out..
" I can't do this Lena" she sobbed.

I cannot see her in this state. It broke my heart. And when I saw the result, I felt relieved. But why not play a game.
I turned towards her putting my best sad expression. And she cried even harder. Hearing my laughter she was confused, and seeing that I laughed harder.

" why are you laughing now.. Wait, you gave me all hope, are you judging me"

" no you fool, you don't have to worry. You are not going to be a mother"

I can sense that she was utterly shocked. She saw the sticks and took a deep breath.
"I was so scared, God.... Thanks a lot"

" what happened aub, you look so different. Why were you so scared. I know, there's more to the story"

She had a guilty look on her face.
"I cheated on Adam. Look... It was never my intention. He broke up with me. We were in a relationship until this vacation when he last visited me and I told him the truth"
She looked down.

" so you guys thought of trying long distance. And I guess it was very hard for you. Why aub"

" because I missed Adam. I wanted him. I thought because of this long distance, he will cheat on me. So to give myself some support I slept with some dude. And I told him the truth. At first he was very angry, but then he understood this situation and decided to break up. Honestly, I am glad he did. Relationships aren't my thing"

She got up walked out of the room. I have never seen this side of her. But who am I to judge. She is safe and I am happy for her. With time she will find someone good for her.

And then I remembered about the talk between Alex and me.
But before that I need to get out of her house. She isn't in a mood to talk, and I will not pressure her.
I understand what her behavior means.

I went to my house and after a long exhausting day. I slept peacefully.

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