28. Her Sufferings

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The next day I decided to cook good food and give it to Maddie. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about her. Hospital food is not at all good and I know she likes my food.
There wasn't much work in the office anyway and I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Maddie.
I arrived at the hospital, and entered her room. She was reading some newspaper, when she saw me, her smile went wider.

" Lena... I was thinking about you. Thank god you visited me.. And what's that, did you bring me some delicious food" she said rubbing her hands like a little kid. I chuckled.

" yes. It has your favorite delicious food. How are you feeling today.. Why were you thinking about me...." I couldn't even finish my sentence when she snatched the box of food and started eating.

" yummm.. Delicious. Let me finish this food. I think I am in love with your cooking. I must try all the dishes before... I go away"
This thing saddened me.
I let her eat and we started talking. We never really had a long heart to heart conversation. She thinks her time is less and wants to talk about her life.

Her life wasn't easy. She is completely different from what she shows to others. She had struggled a lot. From her parents to her own husband, she never got the happiness she wanted.
She married at a young age of 20 when she just graduated from college. She had a dream, a hope, but that crushed when she found out she was pregnant. But never thought of giving up on her dreams nor  her child. She married her then boyfriend thinking he will support her every step after her parents disowned her. But she did not know, her husband was betraying him all the time. Taking all her hard earned money she got while working two jobs even when she had a life inside her. But she blindly believed her husband, thinking he will help her achieving her dreams. Little did she know, he was an alcoholic who spent her money on poker, drinks and women. When she came to know about it, she couldn't believe her fate. Her husband kicked her out, with no money and a child. She worked at others house as a  maid, to feed her and her child. Her only hope was the child she gave birth too. But that got snatched away, when her husband came back and took her son away. She lost all her hopes. She felt like a living corpse. Out of pity when her husband let her live with him, he tortured her. Abusing her. But she stayed just for her child. She knew her son is being treated good. But that day came when she couldn't handle it anymore. Hearing her son say "mom" , to some other women, infront of his real mom was too hurting. So she ran away. To give up on her life.
But she stayed, to win her son back. After forgiving him, because her son was very young and naive. She worked as hard as possible, starved herself but at the end, it paid off. For the one she was working so hard for, her son finally knew the truth. It took a very long time, but now they had each other's back

Hearing this story, i couldn't help but think about my life. The kind of betrayal that I got was nothing compared to her life. This world is very complicated. Many miseries. And here, I have not achieved anything..

I really wanted to meet her son, to thank him, for realizing the truth, for being Maddie's happiness.

" I need to tell you something. My son will be visiting soon. He does not know about this accident yet. I don't want to scare him. Nor want to tell him about my condition"

" Maybe it's time you tell your son everything about your condition. Atleast enjoy these days with the one for whom you had to go through all the struggles... Imagine the day, when he will come to know the truth from someone else . He will be heartbroken."

Maddie's expression changed. She was hesitating to speak about it.
" come on, tell me. Is there anything I can do for you? " I asked her out of curiosity.

" You are very responsible and respectful woman Elena. You are a really good person. You are right, I should talk to him sooner. I have one last wish too" she said the last sentence quietly, but I heard that.

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