Chapter 8

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I made it to the Karasuno room and walked in. As I walked In I saw orange hair, I Immediately knew who it was. "Shoyo?"

Kozume POV
5:30 pm

I stared at Sho. I smiled softly then walk into the room. I walk to Sho and crouch down in front of him. He had a little bit of drool on his lip, and his face looked so relaxed. He was leaning on a wall in the corner of the room. He looked so adorable. I reached out my hand and ran my

fingers through his hair. I saw as he moved up closer to my fingers. I snatch my hand back and stared at Sho with a shocked face. 'heh, he's still sleep' I reach my hand back out and slightly shake Shoyo. "Hey Shoyo, wake up..." He shifted a bit then opened his eyes. "Mhm, Ken-Ken."

I felt a smile creep onto my lips from the nick name. "Come on I think Sugawara is worried about you." I say. He gives me a smile then says something that shocked me. "It's fine let's stay in here and play games." It's not that I didn't want to play games I was just shocked is all.

I look Shoyo in the eyes then turn my head away. "eh, okay." I grab out my psp and lean on the wall beside Sho. He giggled a bit then leaned his head on my shoulder. "I'm just gonna watch you play.." I look at him then reply. "Mm Okay." I then began playing a game.

Nobody POV

After the boys talked and played video games, Kozume noticed how Hinata looked tired and how he kept yawning. Kozume put his game away then looked over to the small boy. The boy with orange hair showed a look of confusion before speaking. "W-why did you turn off the game

Kenma?" The blonde haired boy looked away then replied. "You looked sleepy, you should get some rest." The small boy smiled at the second year then hugged him before getting up and walking over to his futon. The blonde sat there with a blush spreading across his face.

'I think I should probably leave now' Kozume stood up, said "goodbye sho." then walked out Karasuno's room.

Kozume POV
7:00 pm

I began walking back to the Nekoma room with my psp in my hand. I made it to the door then put my psp away. I look up and open the door. As I walk in I could feel eyes on me. I watch as my whole team watch me. "What?" I say. They all turned away except for Kuroo.

"Hey Kenma buddy, where ya been?!" I look at kuroo then roll my eyes. I walk over to my bag then took off my shirt and out a new one and put it on I then went to my futon and layed down. I pull out my psp then reply to him. "I was with a friend." I could tell Kuroo was showing off his smirk.

"Ahaa, you talking 'bout chibi-chan right?" I look up at him and give him a confused look. "What's up with the nick name?" I questioned. He smiled then said something that made me drop my psp on my face. "Don't worry about it, but anyway...I set you up for a blind date."

I froze and sat up. I could see the team's eyes on me. I then hear Lev speak. "Ooh Kenma, didn't know you were that type." I give Lev a death glare. He flinched then stopped talking. I then look back at Kuroo. "YOU WHAT? WHEN, WHY, HOW, WHAT THE HELL KUROO."

I screamed at him and made sure every word had venom to it. He froze up then stared at me shocked from me raising my voice. "I-I uh s-sorry you just need s-some love in your l-life. Also if you think I'm gonna graduate and leave you here single then your dead wrong."

I give him a "Tsk." then continued playing my game. "Oh by the way, it's next week on Friday." I put my psp down then stood up. I look at Kuroo and sprint towards him. He began yelling and screaming things. "AHH NO, NO I'M SORRY IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN,SPARE ME PLEASEEE. IM TO PRETTY TO DIEE"

By now my whole team was laughing. I began to giggle a bit then thought to myself. 'Maybe the date won't be so bad' I let out a sigh then a small smile.

That's it for chapter 8 hope you enjoyed it. Sorry that I have been gone for a bit, I kinda had writers block. But anyway I'm back I should maybe be able to get my schedule back together soon. Anway that's all for today and sorry for all the POV switches. I got this idea from kittynanita  and Tsukki_and_Yamaguchi Like always vote, give me a follow if you want, and author is out💞

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