Chapter 1

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Kozume Kenma wasn't very talkative. He didn't like hanging out with people, or even interacting with them. But because of this he was teased a bit. He mainly focused on the games he played and not any other people. But, he was able to make a friend. After making this friend, he joined the volleyball club. He still didn't talk much. But what will happen if he met a bright and energetic boy. Will he still be a loner or will he open up more to people? Keep reading to find out.

If you haven't watched the anime sorry, but I'll try my best so you can understand everything.

Kozume POV

"Alright everyone gather around, now I have some Important information to give out so please listen." Coach Nekomata says. I continued playing my game because I didn't really care for volleyball, I Just played it because my friend wanted me to.

"Kenma you heard coach, get over here." I looked up from playing my game and see kuroo waving over to me. "Ugh not you again." I mutter under my breath. I put my psp in my pocket and walked over to kuroo.

"Alright is everyone here?" "Hai." The whole gym yelled, well except for me. "Okay so listen closly cause I'm only saying it once." I turn from the coach and grab out my psp, I then continue playing as he talks.

"So I was able to have you guys participate in a practice match against karasuno High, If you all don't already know karasuno is known as the 'Crows' they are also a powerhouse school. Both schools are known as rivals, but anyway enough of that the practice match will be in one week so be ready."

"HAI." I look up from my game and see the whole team walking away, or talking with each other. I looked for a empty corner and walked over to it, I then began playing my game. I was playing for only maybe 20 minutes until I heard someone call my name.

"KENMA, GET OFF YOUR GAME AND COME OVER HERE." I didn't even have to look up to know who called me. "Kuroo..." I whispered. I ignored him and continued playing my game. I was so close to beating level 100. I just needed to- "Kenma I said off the game."

Nobody POV

Kenma was about to beat a level he was stuck on until kuroo came and snatched the game from his hands. "Kenma I said off the game." The black spiky haired boy said. It was then kenma froze and Just stared at where his psp used to be.

Kuroo was a bit confused as to what the boy was doing so he thought it would be a good idea to tap him so he could find out....Oh boy could he have been more wrong. "Uh...kenma?" Kuroo said reaching down to tap kenma.

As soon as kuroo's finger touched kenma, the yellow haired boy grabbed his arm and stood up. Kenma then slowly raised his head. Kuroo then felt chills run down his back as he stared back at his friend. The yellow haired had been glaring at him with and evil look.

In his eyes you could tell he was mad and sad. He then began talking. Once the boy started talking the black spiky haired boy began shaking. "Kuroo...give me my game. Now." Kuroo didn't hesitate to give him his game back.

The yellow haired boy then went back to his normal face and said thank you in an expressionless voice and began walking back to the lockers. Kuroo looked behind him and could see everyone looking at him. Kuroo then looked at yaku and lev.

Lev shrugged his shoulders while yaku began talking. "W-well, at least we know not to t-take his game." The rest of the gym was quiet for maybe five more minutes until the coach began talking again. "Alright guys start cleaning up the place then you can change and head home for the day."

"HAI." All the boys in the gym yelled. But there was definitely one thing they all learned, don't take Kozume Kenma's game.

That's it for chapter 1. What did you think? Let me know. The next chapter will be when they go to the practice match. If there are any spelling mistakes let me know. Bye have a good day or night author is out💕

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