CH 1- So you have chosen death?

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"Operation Buttface, station is clear no idiots in sight

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"Operation Buttface, station is clear no idiots in sight." I whispered in my walkie talkie.

"Operation Raccoon Dumbass, what the heck are you doing with your life?"

I crawled quietly into the narrow space with hitched breaths, counting the seconds of each quick heartbeats giving a throbbing pain in my head avoiding myself to look down. I was high up in the stage plotting a scheme of revenge.

"Quit it Jackie, I'm doing this because of how they treated you in the soccer field. You know peace is never the option."

"I don't want our butts to be kicked again due to violating a school banner. Do you know how much risk you've gotten yourself into and I have to be right by your side the whole time?"

I stopped midway, and took out a pair of scissors. I craned my head to take a close look of the school banner, perfectly groomed, floating peacefully amongst the empty room. While I peacefully ruin the fuck out of this stupid banner.

"They are our school rival, they did a lot of bad things to trash our school spirit. Even violating the students! This time I'm going to destroy something important to them and they'll feel the wrath of 'Leon Le Plus Grand'"

"You idiot! It's too risky to do this. Get out now, you know you don't want to be in detention again?"

"I'm not worried about that, all I care is that I pass my math test and grades, because I can't do math. Why do we even need it in our lives? This is just my warm up exercise to relief my stress."

"That doesn't involve breakin the school rules!"

"You know... the more you beg me to stop the more it makes me want to do it. Maybe I should light things up?" I pulled out a lighter.

"Dipshit! Don't you dare light that up. You're doing this too far! Vandalizing will sentence you to jail."

"Maybe we can... make art?" I pulled out a permanent marker.

"OH SHOOT! You bastard. Leon! Be a good boy and--"

"Kssssssh! You're uh - kshhhhshhh breaking up - kshhhhhh gotta go!" I put down the walkie talkie as I stared back at the banner.

I took out a flour that I'm carrying in my backpack, and slowly poured it all over it. Dusts collected fragments of the fabric as I pulled out a bottle of paint I got from the craft store and gently - no, squeezed the bottle as the paint drooped into the fabric. Almost covering the big letters of the name of the school.

Suddenly, I heard someone opening the doors that vibrated an echo alerting my ears. Oh shit time to go.

I backed away from the edge, carefully lifting my steps to avoid any sound. Once I was close to the deck, I hopped down and ran down the stairs immeditely heading to the backstage door.

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