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Only a week passed by without any drama and despite her going back on tour, their relationship had never been better. Their visit to Texas ended up being a success and her family got to know Noah very well.

In fact, they had invited him to come some other time too so they couldn't hate him that much.

Now she was back on tour while Noah left to Los Angeles. Since the time was going fast and she had traveled in so many countries already, Penny was surprised when realized that there were only about five weeks left of her tour. Wasn't she just saying goodbye to Noah at the airport in February?

When she woke up at 5am on her phone ringing, she wasn't happy at all. Everyone who knew her at least a bit knew that she wasn't a morning person and she was about to curse whoever dared to call her at this time.

That was what she had planned to do but it all disappeared from her mind when she heard Romeo's voice. It was clear that something had happened that made him panic like this. He talked so fast that she only understood few words here and there. The first thought that came to her mind was that someone had died but because he wasn't exactly crying, that probably wasn't the case.

He didn't seem to realize that she couldn't understand a word so she had to interrupt him. "Calm down! Stop talking and take a deep breath. Yes, just like that, now do it again. Now tell me again what happened and don't talk so fast. And try to stay calm."

"I have been with Kaman all week and we have tried to be careful so that no one sees us. Henry called me a few hours ago. You know, my agent? He asked if I have seen the news already. I didn't know what he meant until I Googled my name and there they were - pictures of me with Kaman!"

Feeling her heart break for Romeo, Penny closed her eyes as she failed to find any words to say. He had been nervous to come out and tell in public about his sexuality. They had talked many times about how he wasn't sure how the world would react and how it could affect his career.

He had told her that when he was ready he wanted to come out himself. For a long time, he had feared that someone might take that away from him which was exactly what now happened.

As a straight woman, Penny could never understand what it was like to come out but she knew that it was never easy and that no one had a right to do it for someone else. Romeo was so special, kind and loveable and he deserved to come out when he felt comfortable enough to do it.

She was well aware that there were only very few people who Romeo trusted with his biggest secret. She had felt special to know that she was on that list among his family and a couple of his closest friends.

"I don't know how they got in public because we were careful! But someone must have seen us because they're everywhere! The whole world knows that that that I have a boyfriend! They called me gay and... and and the comments-" Romeo panicked again and started to stutter at the end, not being able to finish the sentence.

There were tears in her eyes as she got more and more frustrated that this happened and there was nothing she could do. If she could take his pain away, she would do it in a second because this was heartbreaking.

It was unbelievable that people didn't understand that those intimate and personal pictures shouldn't be shared with the entire world, especially when Romeo hadn't told anyone that he also liked men.

How could they think that his relationship and sexuality were in any way their business? This was way over the line of what was acceptable and Penny wanted to punch everyone who shared the pictures.

"I wish I could say more than this but I'm so so sorry that this happened. I know this isn't how you planned this to happen and if I could change it, there isn't anything I wouldn't do. This is probably a stupid question but how are you feeling? Really?" Romeo didn't answer immediately and she was about to repeat the question when he finally talked.

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