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The most mature thing would have been apologizing to Penny for reacting so badly and spoiling the surprise but he didn't do that. Instead, he pretended that none of that happened even after they met Georgia in the restaurant where everyone else was too.

And by everyone, he meant that Georgia had brought Tyler, Isabel, Dorian, Romeo and Kaman with her. The conversation stayed mostly on Penny's tour and Georgia's pregnancy which he didn't mind at all.

Everyone was happy and they celebrated all day. It was a fun time and he was actually glad that they didn't stay alone at home.

Isabel and Tyler should have been the only ones who knew about Georgia's pregnancy. When she announced it at the table, Noah almost laughed at Penny's pathetic attempt to look surprised. He, on the other hand, didn't even try and simply congratulated the married couple.

Now that Georgia couldn't drink alcohol anymore, Tyler made a promise not to touch it either for the next seven months to show support for his wife. Georgia didn't even try to change his mind, instead, she just looked happy that she didn't have to suffer alone.

No one else made that promise and later in the evening at least Isabel, Dorian and Romeo were drunk as hell and even Penny had drunk a couple of drinks too much. Because she was just enjoying her last day here with her friends, Noah couldn't be angry when he had carried her home in his back while holding her heels in his hands.

He went back to his home where he let Penny sleep in his bed alone while he slept on the couch. Even though they slept together on the previous night, the difference was that she was sober then and he couldn't tell for sure if she wanted to do it again.

At 8am on Sunday he was making himself coffee when he suddenly realized that in six hours she would be gone again. It wasn't a good morning at all!

With Penny still sleeping he wondered if they could have enough time to do something together before it was time to leave for the airport. He wasn't sure if she needed to go to her own home to get something and decided to make time for that just in case.

If she slept till 12am again they only had few hours left. Unless she didn't have a reason to put an alarm to wake up earlier, she always slept late while he was often up much earlier. He had been doing that since high school when his own inner alarm started to get him used to wake early and the same continued in college.

Now he just thought if he should wake her up or not. The selfish part of Noah only wanted to do it to get more time with her but he also knew that she wouldn't feel good if he forced her to wake up earlier. She really wasn't a morning person so in the worst scenario she would probably kill him.

It was almost funny how he always preferred to have few hours all to himself before meeting Penny. Now, though, he was only feeling lonely while eating breakfast alone.

Quickly drinking the coffee, he put the mug in the dishwasher, went to the bedroom where Penny was still sleeping and got clothes from the wardrobe without stopping to see what he picked. He just needed to get out of the room quickly before making any noise that could wake her up.

Now that he was alone and bored, he decided to go to the grocery store to buy something to eat later. That way Penny would have more time to continue her beauty sleep. Maybe she would surprise him and wake up before he came back.


While shopping, Noah got the idea of making her breakfast to the bed while chuckling at yesterday when she tried to do the same for him. It was sweet and unexcepted but in his mind, he was the man who wanted to spoil his... friend?

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