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So many lies have been told throughout life. Is it meant to be a good thing when you get used to them? Shouldn't you be more used to the truth than to a lie?

"What is the cost of lies?"

Christian's whole life was a lie. He said he was okay.

That was a lie

"It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth."

He said he could do it.

That was a lie

"The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."

Christian had started to believe he was okay. But was that the truth or was it just another lie? He couldn't tell.

"What can we do then?"

So, he acted okay. Okay wasn't the best to feel, but it also wasn't the worst.

"What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories?"

"In these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are."

"All we want to know is: Who is to blame?"

Spencer Reid.

The boy who made sure Chris was only ever 'okay.' The man that Chris had spent nights crying over. The one who broke Chris into a million pieces.

"Did you know that regular exercise has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two major risk factors for heart disease. Plus, it can help improve mental functioning and your mood for the day." A skinny brunet was leaning against the doorway to an in-house gym. The apartment they were in had an extra room, that the brunet on the floor used for his workouts almost every day. Christian, the brunet that was sat in a crunching position laughed lightly, before teasing the male in front of him.

"Then why aren't you exercising with me Pretty Boy Reid?" Spencer sent Christian a small glare, that wasn't that intimidating, from the doorway sending Christian into a fit of laughter. "I'm joking. I'm joking." The two smiled at each other for a moment before Spencer spoke up again.

"I would much rather sit and read my books but thank you Mr. Walker. Are we sure your IQ isn't like 24?" The brunet was joking obviously, and Christian knew it. Placing his hand over where his heart is, Christian's face drew into mock hurt and he plopped onto his back on the floor. They both laughed a little before Christian's phone went off. Looking at the screen of the phone that was laid on the floor next to him, Christian's face brightened as he read the message before he turned back to Spencer. Spencer looked at the brunet strangely before Christian stood up off the black matted floor, grabbing Spencer's hand and pulling him out of the room into the kitchen.

His plan would be ready next week. A few days before Spencer left, that's when it was meant to happen. But, 2 days beforehand, the apartment, that was once filled with happiness, was empty.

ngl when i say this is a very short filler because i fell asleep while editing and didn't finish so, i guess enjoy?

like 3 people have added this to their reading lists and honestly i couldn't be more thankful just to be on their reading list (even if they don't even read this)

i love you all, i'll most likely post tomorrow actually, yes i know my schedule is messed up, it's because i was busy yesterday, then i had like 3 hours of sleep beforehand so i fell asleep at my desk. (my chair is rlly comfy so don't come for me) and by the time i woke up it was 3 in the morning so i just went back to sleep, and forgot about it until like 10 minutes ago. then i wrote this quickly and posted it because i still have A BUNCH to edit on the other chapter. which will now be chapter 8.

sorry for the inconvenience though my lovelies

Enough For You || Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now