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As I took steps forwards I felt a firm grip on my wrist that pulled me back making me hit a hard chest
I knew where I had landed, in his chest.

"What? Where do you think you are going haan? If someone has to go then it should be her" Rakshit made me turn towards him as he glared lavanya who was bewildered now.

"What? Why should I leave?you ain't getting the point rakshit baby she's the one in the middle of us, if it wasn't for this middle class girl then you would be with me can't you get that straight? " I glared at the witch in front of me

What did she say? Let him leave my hand I'll show you what am I.

"Just shut the hell up! Right over here whom you are calling middle class is actually more richer then you, everything isn't depended upon the money it's depended upon your heart, which unfortunately you don't have! And I'm not surprised that my friends and that not even my dog liked you and well I have to say they both knew who they have to trust "rakshit looked at me and then looked back at her " And who isn't worth their trust" He finished looking at her while now lavanya was fuming

Yes, take that you witch!! Tata bubiee

"What? How can you speak to me like that, I'm lavanya you can't shoo me like that! "

"Wait what are you? A dog? That you have to be shooed" A voice interrupted is from the back while we didn't even had to turn to recognise who it was.

Niel came and stood besides me he's hand wrapping my arm

If it wasn't a serious situation I would be laughing hearing him 'who are you a dog? ' no niel she's a witch

But who am I kidding I can laugh right now too, damn I'm controlling my laugh before I burst out laughing right now

"And by the way you know who's the toxic one over here? Well it's you! And for facts don't you dare speak to drishti like that, I swear I won't hesitate to call the cops and take you with all the deeds you have done before so mind your tongue, the girl you see here"niel looked at me and smiled but his smile quickly vanished as he saw her face " Is someone you can never beat, and you can't even compare yourself to her and hence forth if I see you near anyone of them be it rakshit or drishti you better watch out" This was the first time in my entire life that I had seen niel so serious because he was usually the joker between us and seeing him all riled up is a sign that the person that had riled him up wouldn't have a good consequence of he or she meets him again

Lavanya stomped her feet and marched from our house while Niel turned me towards him and wiped my tears while now his mood suddenly changed back to normal

Making me and rakshit widen our eyes, talk about bipolar and we have niel

Niel smiled giddily at me showing his dimples while rakshit and I chuckled

"We love our sunshine hehe" I hugged niel while rakshit joined in too

" Well I have something to say " Rakshit said as he kneeled down while niel grinned as if he had seen a stall of food for free

Ya that's the only thing that'll make him happy like this

My lips twitched in a smile as rakshit took my hand in his

"Baby girl or as you call yourself drishti, this person over here as you can see in short me ;is someone that you have made capable of doing  something, I can't forget the pettiness you had and you still have when I met you for the first time those comebacks which made me feel like hitting my head on the wall or those ways in which you irritated me which made me feel like throwing you out right then and there but these months that we have stayed with you, you made me realise what true love is and what love can do , you showed me how to live"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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